DeaconHeat10320 Give a brief description of the Technological factors affecting…Give a brief description of the Technological factors affecting General Motors  Give 5 Product Quality and give a detailed explanation of each of them Give 5 Technological Innovations and give a detailed explanation of each of themCould you explain more in regard to the case study? Highlight the Product Quality and Technological Innovations. Thank you.Image transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Richard Ivey School ofBusiness The University of Western Ontario IVEy 905M59GENERAL MOTORS: ACTING STRATEGICALLY?1 Da… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 2 9305M059 Overthe years, GM had accumulated huge unfunded obligations forhealthcare bene?ts of its retirees, and by 2005, these … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 3 9305M059 plantlocations and vehicles of foreign automakers in the United Statesand Canada. During the 1980s and 19905, each of the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 4 9305M059 3.”Product, product, product.” Throughout the 1980s and 1990s,the competition, Toyota and Honda in particular, estab… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 5 9305M059 9.”The beat-up, your-closest-friends effect.” The Big Three hadcontinuously negotiated price reductions from their s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 6 9305M059 Wealso see plenty of opportunity ahead in continued productivityimprovement. According to the Harbour Report for N… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 7 9305M059 GMLatin America/AfricalMid-East (GMLAAM) Exhibit 6 presentsconsolidated data for GM’s operations in the many co… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 8 9305M059 GM’SSATURN STRATEGY Roger Smith, GM’s chairman and CEO from1981 to 1990, set out to make over the world’s largest… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 9 9305M059vehicles were to share various components with other GMbrands. The Saturn dream had died. GM’S STRATEGY … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 10 9305M059 GM’sChina Strategy Beginning in 1992, GM created many jointventures in China, principally as a 50 per cent partner … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 11 9305M059 GMcommon stock for its purchase of 42.1 per cent of GM Daewoo,and Daewoo’s creditors owned 33 per cent. Suzuki an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 12 9305M059contribution would come from a new automotive fund recentlyestablished by the Ontario government to counter the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 13 9305M059?nancial obligations, together with the New York law ?rm ofCleary, Gottlieb, Steen, and Hamilton. The union’s posi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 14 9305M059vehicles. It remained to be seen what GM’s competitive positionwould be in regard to these new technologies. As a mu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 15 9305M059Faced with the particularly poor performance of GM’s NorthAmerican division in 2005, Wagoner decided that he … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 16 9305M059without raising the base price. This represents a $1,500 value tothe consumer.9 Related to these changes in strategy, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 17 9B05M059Exhibit 1 U.S. MARKET SHARE OF MAJOR AUTOMAKERSpercentage) 1990 2004 GM 35.5 27.3 Ford 23.9 18.3 … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 18 9B05M059Exhibit 2 (continued) FOREIGN AUTOMAKERS WITHMANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA Plant Locati… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 19 9B05M059Exhibit 4 GM NORTH AMERICA (for years ended December 31)($ millions) 2004 2003 2002 GMNA Net income 1,583… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 20 9B05M059Exhibit 6 GM LATIN AMERICAN/ARFICA/MID-EAST (for yearsended December 31) ($ millions) 2004 2003 2002 GM… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 21 9305M059Exhibit 8 GM — OTHER OPERATONS (for years ended December31) 2004 2003 2002 ($ millions) Other Total net sales … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFor the exclusive use of A. Okoba, 2023. Page 22 905M059Exhibit 10 GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE3 BY ASSEMBLY PLANT1990 to 200 (in US$ millions) Plant % of Year Manufac… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other