    The first step in analyzing the process is to document what…



The first step in analyzing the process is to document what the current process steps are and who is responsible for doing them. Therefore, the table provides the current steps in the manual hiring process provided by the case study. Remember, a process is a series of steps to perform a task; therefore, think about what the users are doing as part of the hiring process. Retain the as-is process steps provided; do not remove or revise these. Complete the second column by identifying the stakeholder responsible for this step based on the interviews in the MTC Case.  


The next step is to identify how a hiring or applicant tracking system could improve each step in the process and how the business will benefit from that improvement. For each of the as-is process steps provided, complete the To-Be Process column in the table.indicating how this step in the process will be done using the hiring or applicant tracking system.For each process step, the statement should be concise and include an action verb and align with improving or replacing the current manual, as-is process step provided.  Then complete the Business Benefits of the Improved Process column by explaining how this part of the process can contribute to the overall business strategy- think at a higher level than the specific process step. Review the examples provided in the Hiring Process table. For each to-be process step, identify the result of using the system, as shown in the two examples.  While it is true that the system will speed up each step of the process, think about how MT would benefit more strategically from using an automated system to perform that step. 


The first row and last rows have been completed for you as an example and must be retained and not revised.Be sure your table contains a total of 12 steps.  Use the examples to help you provide clear to-be process steps and business benefits.  Your responses should be written in complete sentences.

MTC Hiring Process

As-Is Process 




Responsible MTC Position 



To-Be Process – How the system Will Support and Improve the hiring process 


Business Benefits of Improved Process (Align with MTC’s overall business strategy and needs.)






Recruiter receives application from job hunter via Postal Service Mail. 





EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #1 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System will receive application via on-line submission through MTC Employment Website and store in the applicant database within the hiring system.

A more efficient submission process decreases time needed to receive and begin processing applications. This will present a positive image to potential employees and help MTC compete for top IT talent.

 Recruiter screens resumes to identify top candidates by matching with job requirements from job description.




 Recruiter forwards top candidates to Administrative Assistant via interoffice mail




 Administrative Assistant forwards candidates’ resumes and applications to hiring manager for the position via interoffice mail.




 Hiring Manager reviews applications and selects who he/she wants to interview.




 Hiring Manager sends email to Administrative Assistant on who he/she has selected to interview and identifies members of the interview team.




 AA schedules interviews by contacting interview team members and hiring manager to identify possible time slots




 AA emails candidates to schedule interviews.




 Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team.

Hiring Manager and Interview Team

Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team. (Hiring System is not used for this step.) 


 AA collects feedback from interviews and status of candidates




 Hiring manager informs the AA on his top candidate for hiring




Administrative Assistant prepares offer letter based on information from recruiter and puts in the mail to the chosen candidate.


Administrative Assistant


EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #12 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System enables AA to prepare job offer letter by storing the offer letter template and information on each candidate; allows AA to select information to go into letter and put it into the template, which can then be reviewed and emailed to the candidate.  

More efficient offer process presents positive image to applicants and decreases time needed to prepare offer letter, and enablesMTC to hire in advance of the competition.