a- Description of an Organization: Political Organization: I am…

a- Description of an Organization:

Political Organization:

I am reminded of a prominent financial firm, which we’ll refer to as “FinFirm.” FinFirm operated with a strong political undertone. The organizational hierarchy was pronounced, with managers and leaders forming cliques. These cliques influenced decision-making processes, resource allocation, and even promotions.

Characteristic Behaviors:

Resource Guarding: Departments were protective of their resources, often hesitating to collaborate for broader organizational benefits.
Power Dynamics: Decisions were frequently influenced by who held the most power or influence rather than what was necessarily best for the organization.
Hidden Agendas: Projects were sometimes undertaken more for political gain (e.g., to curry favor with senior management) than for genuine business needs.

Performance Improvement Opportunities from Political View:

Transparency: One of the foremost issues arising from a political environment is a lack of transparency. Decisions are made behind closed doors, leading to mistrust and confusion.

Prescription: Implement a policy of open communication. Hold regular town hall meetings where decisions are explained, and feedback is sought.

Collaboration: The siloed nature of departments in a political organization can hinder collaboration.

Prescription: Organize cross-departmental workshops and collaborative projects. Encourage a culture where departments are incentivized to work together.

Meritocracy: Decisions influenced by politics rather than merit can demotivate employees who feel their hard work isn’t recognized.

Prescription: Implement a transparent performance evaluation system that rewards employees based on their contributions, not their political affiliations.

b- Understanding the System Map of Performance:

A system map is a holistic view of how various components of an organization interact. For an individual job performer:

Pinpointing Gaps: The map can reveal where an employee might lack skills or resources.

Identifying Bottlenecks: It can highlight where processes slow down due to lacking clarity, resources, or training.

Clarifying Roles: Employees can better understand their roles within the broader organizational context.

For instance, if the system map reveals that a particular department consistently lags in delivering its tasks, it might point to a need for additional training or resources in that department.

c- Research Questions Related to the System Map of Performance:

Given the insights from the system map:

Skill Alignment: Are employees’ skills and training aligned with their roles and responsibilities?
Resource Allocation: Are departments or teams consistently overburdened or under-resourced? Motivational Factors: What are the primary drivers of employee motivation and satisfaction within the organization?
Inter-departmental Dynamics: How do different departments interact, and are there consistent points of friction or collaboration?


Note: It’s essential to recognize that while understanding the organization through a specific metaphor offers insights, it’s also limiting. No one metaphor can adequately express the complexity of an organization. As a result, while applying the political metaphor to FinFirm’s operations offers valuable insights, alternative viewpoints may shed light on other areas of the company’s operations.



FinFirm’s Annual Report (2021). (A fictional citation for illustration purposes).

K. Lewin (1947). Social Equilibria and Social Change; Concept, Method, and Reality at the Frontiers of Group Dynamics. 5-41 in Human Relations, 1(1).

Morgan, G. (1986). Images of Organization. Sage Publications.

Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2007). Management. Prentice Hall.


Question 1:

I read your post which was very detailed and easy to understand. You spoke about the political organization and the different components that are associated with this type of organizational approach.  My question is have you decided which mapping system you will use? I have attached an article that might be useful.  I plan to use this type of mapping system. Customer Journey Map: Why You Should Be Using One… to work for you!



Question 2:

“FinFirm’s” political dynamics are vividly described, with cliques impacting decisions and resource allocation. The suggested prescriptions for performance improvement address issues like mistrust and lack of recognition. The system map concept offers a comprehensive view of performance. It’s adept at revealing gaps and bottlenecks and clarifying roles, aiding targeted improvements. The research questions stemming from the system map are insightful, covering skill alignment, resource distribution, motivational drivers, and inter-departmental dynamics. The recognition of metaphor limitations is wise. While the political metaphor offers valuable insights, diverse perspectives can unveil other aspects of the organization’s complexity. If you have to describe FinFirm’s metaphor other than a political organization, what would be your second choice among the 8 provided in the reference link (How 8 Organizational Metaphors Impact Leadership,)? why?