Complete the following worksheet encompassing the qualitative…

Complete the following worksheet encompassing the qualitative method, design, and alignment.

For each component (e.g., Problem Statement),  provide evidence from the dissertation selected to support the rationale, including the dissertation page number and relevant information to support the box checked in each category. Place evidence below each table. Note:  Include  references 

Qualitative Dissertation Entry in APA format: Ellis, A. (2020). The Impact of Authenticity on Career Advancement and Gender Diversity for Women in IT Leadership (Order No. 28262119). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2474806395).


Review the dissertation selected, read each description in column one, and place an X in the appropriate column for each description (Met in the second column, Not Met in the third column, or N/A in the fourth) in the tables below.

Chapter 1

Problem Statement

Description Met Not Met N/A

The problem is clear, concise, reflective of the purpose statement, and is cited.


Purpose of the Study

Description Met Not Met N/A

The purpose is clear and aligns with the problem.

Research method and design are stated and are appropriate to the proposed study.

The study objectives are clearly stated.

Geographic location of study is identified without compromising confidentiality.

Quantitative and mixed method: Research variables are identified.


Population and Sample

Description Met Not Met N/A

Population(s) and participant sample size or other sources of proposed data are identified.


Nature of the Study

Description Met Not Met N/A

Discussion of the appropriateness of the research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) is provided.

Discussion of the design appropriateness and how the design will accomplish the study objectives is provided.


Research Questions/Hypotheses

Description Met Not Met N/A

Research questions align with the purpose of the study. Research questions fully encompass the purpose; they are not broader or narrower than the stated objectives.


Chapter 3

Research Method and Design Appropriateness

Description Met Not Met N/A

The section elaborates on the Chapter 1 discussion of rationale for research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) appropriateness, including a discussion of why the selected method was chosen instead of another.

The section elaborates on the Chapter 1 discussion of rationale for proposed research design appropriateness. Compares the appropriates of the proposed design to two or three alternate research designs. The discussions are supported by citations from methodological theorists.

The section includes a discussion of how the proposed design will accomplish the study goals and why design is the optimum choice for this specific research.


Research Questions/Hypotheses

Description Met Not Met N/A

The restated research questions and hypotheses are consistent with those presented in Chapter 1.


Population and Sample

Description Met Not Met N/A

Population:  The section includes an elaboration of population information given in Chapter 1. Description matches the overview discussion given in Chapter 1. For studies without primary data, the section discusses the proposed sources of the study data, such as archival data.

Sample: The section includes an elaboration of information given in Chapter 1. The discussion supports the proposed participant number and how the sampling number was determined. For studies without primary data, the section discusses the proposed sampling of the secondary sources.


Informed Consent and Confidentiality

Description Met Not Met N/A

The section discusses how informed consent will be obtained from participants and describes any signed permissions already obtained.

The section describes how any confidential data will be stored and later destroyed.

The section discusses the process of removing identifiers from within confidential data.



Description Met Not Met N/A

The section describes any instrumentation to be used to collect primary data such as qualitative questionnaires, interview protocols, or surveys.

The section discusses the role of the researcher.

The section includes a table to indicate how the instrumentation items align to the research questions or hypotheses.


Field Test or Pilot Study

Description Met Not Met N/A

Qualitative and mixed-method studies: The sectiondescribes the field test conducted on qualitative instrumentation and whether the results of the field test were used to revise the instrumentation.


Data Collection

Description Met Not Met N/A

The discussion provides a complete description of the processes to be used to collect any primary or secondary data and describes each phase of data collection process clearly.

The discussion includes how any participants will be recruited for participation and describes any permissions required to collect primary or secondary data.


Chapter 4

Data Analysis

Description Met Not Met N/A

The section discusses why the study is important and what this research may contribute to knowledge.



Description Met Not Met N/A

Results are reported clearly. Any resultant themes are stated in short, complete sentences, and hypotheses testing results are stated in statistical terms and clearly describing whether the null statement was supported or not supported.

Qualitative themes are supported by sufficient examples of participant direct quotes.
