You are required to select and respond to 5 criteria provided…

You are required to select and respond to 5 criteria provided below. Each response must:

Utilise the STAR method introduced in this workbook
Incorporate a real example from your real world learning experience.

Each Response should be a minimum of 250 words and maximum of 500 words. 


IMPORTANT: Each address does not have to be a single paragraph, sometimes two or three is better for signposting your points for your reader; important information is less likely to become buried. 


Effectively responding to selection criteria is a key part of the application process for many advertised job opportunities. Through this assessment, you are asked to incorporate experiences and knowledge gained through your real world learning experience to respond to 5 selection criteria based on the employability skills.


You are required to structure your responses to each selection criteria using the STAR method that is introduced and explained in the ‘Introduction to Selection Criteria’ tab, which is next in this workbook.


Task to do 

Strong written communication skills (250-500 words)
Ability to generate new ideas and creative approaches to work tasks and problem solving.(250-500 words)
Demonstrated ability to work as an effective team member; and take initiative in leadership when required.(250-500 words)
Integrated planning, time management and organisational skills.(250-500 words)
Demonstrated capacity for sound judgement in self-management to enhance the workplace and/or work task outcomes.(250-500 words)


Selection Criteria Examples 1 : Demonstrated ability to work as an effective team member and the potential to lead work teams. 


– My ability to work effectively as a team member was evidenced on several occasions during my ?? degree. Several practical activities and project tasks were carried out in small groups ranging from 2 – 4. Through this experience I observed the value of team members offering different perspectives based on their diverse backgrounds and strengths. I ensured that while working in groups, friction did not escalate and developed useful strategies to address this, such as active listening, collaboration and inclusivity. I also led my example – implementing the suggestions of others, while also ensuring that I effectively communicated my own point of view in a respectful manner. I was awarded either a “High Distinction” or “Distinction” for my practical group work assessment at university including: ?? and ??


– In addition to my studies, I was also selected to participate in a co-curricular Student Leadership Program earlier this year (my final year). The program, known as the Murdoch Student Emerging Leaders (MSEL) involved working collaboratively in an interdisciplinary student team (with three other Murdoch students) over a four-month period, delivering on a real-life project with a not-for-profit community organisation. We undertook a project in consultation with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service to promote awareness and donations amongst the Murdoch student population. Through a number of on-campus initiatives requiring a co-ordinated approach, our MSEL team increased donor registrations and general awareness amongst the Murdoch community, exceeding the expectations of Red Cross staff. I was able to contribute my strong organisation skills and ability to effectively liaise with Murdoch University / Guild staff members in a persuasive manner, resulting in a successful outcome.


Selection Criteria Examples 2 :Knowledge of epidemiological research designs for public health policy purposes. 


I have gained knowledge of epidemiological research designs through my current degree program. Units specific to such study have included: ?

 Issues in Occupational and Environmental Health (Distinction); ?
 Pollutants and the Human Environment (Distinction) and; ?
 Statistical Data Analysis and Databases (High Distinction). 


These units have introduced me to the following research designs: ? 

Cohort; ?
 Cross-sectional; ?
 Retrospective / case-control studies. 


I feel I have a good understanding of what epidemiological studies are aimed at achieving, that being: ?

 Recognition of risk factors of a given disease; ? 
To identify protective factors against the disease; ?
 Recognition of the speed and degree of spread of a disease, this may be through collection and recording or morbidity and mortality data; ?
 Identification of trends in rates of morbidity and mortality over a period of time.


Please help me to do  the chosen Selection Criteria 1 to 5 just like given examples 1 and 2