Ethical principles in business   Article Since Acta Bioethica was…

Ethical principles in business


Since Acta Bioethica was incorporated into the main international journal registration systems and its impact grew, compared to similar journals, the amount of unsolicited manuscripts has meant a formidable task for both peer reviewers and the international editorial board. It has also meant that the monographic character that has always characterized the publication is difficult to maintain. Add to that trilingualism (Spanish, Portuguese, English) and you will have an approximate measure of the complexity of publishing Acta Bioethica today.

The breadth of the topics covered in this expansion phase is well reflected in this issue. It is already beginning to respond to a thematic diversification that has been the subject of a special subsidy from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of Chile, which will allow, from the second half of 2013, to perfect the website and improve Editorial management in the languages of publication.

Likewise, a closer relationship with the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile allows the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics Studies (CIEB), responsible for the publication, a better expansion towards topics that move away from the substantively biomedical bias that characterizes some publications that appear with the rubric “bioethics” in their title. As not all of these publications are of relevant intellectual value, the word itself today is in danger of seeing its broad, encompassing and integrating meaning that its creators, Fritz Jahr and Van Rensselaer Potter, wanted to give it, distorted.

Maintaining a peer-review system, scrupulous review of style, and breadth of subject matter are strengths that persist. This delivery includes, in addition to the works structured according to the editorial norms and the reviews and comments of publications, brief descriptive notes of international meetings. Although this type of material is not usually cited and therefore lacks the entity of citable works (responsible for the impact), we have decided, under a certain rule of brevity and parsimony, to include it when it is available and the meeting organizers provide it. Thus, the “Colectánea” section allows the reconstruction of the evolution of a discourse that still does not find the solidity of the substantive disciplines, but will allow those who review it to observe its personal dimensions, so closely linked to the cultivation of bioethics, especially in Latin America. . This region is still attached to certain pseudo-academic rituals in this area and in which, as expected, the most picturesque forms of interpretation and self-promotion flourish.

The works presented here, as indicated above, give the idea of an expected and necessary thematic expansion. If we choose the designation “global ethics” to group them, it is to give the impression of the diversity of aspects. Which, together with the internationalization of the authors, means a certain transformation, even modest, of what has been called bioethics.

Along with thanking the authors, the members of the editorial committee and especially Álvaro Quezada and Isabel Cornejo Plaza (guest editor on this occasion) for the integrated work that Acta Bioethica means, we trust that reading this issue will stimulate many people to continue along the difficult path of intellectual solvency and that these works will serve as inspiration for necessary research. We should also thank Francisco León for his concern to keep the presentation of new texts up to date. We hope that the relevance of the magazine, once the consolidation stage is over, will increase in the gestation of a broad and —precisely— global discourse.


Explanatory essay on ethical principles in business. Establish what are those ethical principles that global businesses have and explain how they help to avoid ethical problems in business.

1) Introduction to the topic:
Information that was obtained and that will be presented in the development on the ethical principles that global businesses have.
2) Development:
Establish those ethical principles in business. Establish what are the ethical principles that global businesses have and explain how they help to avoid ethical problems in business.

3) Conclusion:
5) References: