CHCPRP003 – Reflect on and improve own professional practice…

CHCPRP003 – Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Educator – Diploma in early childhood care and education 

1.provide details for the following professional development practices by completing the table below: 





(Why do we need to do the following?)


(What legal and ethical issues must we consider when conducting the following?)





Performance Appraisal




Peer Feedback







2.Describe effective and proactive strategies on how to get feedback or reviews from the following: 


1. Clients

2. Management

3. Regulatory Authorities


3.How do you reflect and respond to feedback from your stakeholders? Wite at least three (3) strategies.


4.When reviewing changes in the sector which can impact your workplace services, list down at least three (3) relevant sources of information which you can access to improve practices.


5.Wrie a reflection using 15O – 20O wrds on a belief, value, and behaviour which may impact how you evaluate your performance in the workplace.


 6.List at least three (3) strategies to determine improvements which are needed in the workplace and elaborate how the strategies are implemented.


   7..Describe a workplace scenario for each of the following reflection models or processes:


a.      Questioning

b.      SWOT Analysis

c.       Journal Documentation

d.      Unstructured Discussion



Respond to the following legal and ethical considerations impacting your practice.

         The following scenario involves a sensitive matter (children safety and abuses) in a childcare setting, please discuss with your trainer if you need support in responding.



While working in the centre, you noticed that one of the children has bruises all over her legs and when asked about them, the child remains silent. You are not certain whether the bruises are signs of abuses or whether they are from playing, so you made a note to yourself that you will file a report when you see bruises for the second time. While reviewing your workplace policies, you realised that your actions during that time is considerably negligent. 


8.Describe code of ethics or practices which were possibly breached?


9. Describe the duty of care that was possibly breached.


10. From whom would you seek specialist advice regarding this issue?


11. What are your rights and responsibilities relevant to this concern?


12..  What strategies and documents can you do and access to understand your work role boundaries and limitations as an educator? Identify 2 strategies and 2 documents.


13.  Provide two (2) internal professional development opportunities and learning sessions which are available to you in the workplace to update your skills and knowledge?


14. Identify two (2) industry networking and professional associations you can refer to when ensuring that you have access to training requirements necessary to sector.


15.  Based on your reading and discussion on VARK, copy, paste and complete the following table:


VARK Learning Styles Which strategies or methods will you use to support a staff based on their learning styles? What possible resources can you use to support a staff based on their learning style?
1 Visual



2 Auditory



3 Reading/Writing



4 Kinaesthetic    



16. As an educator, how would you regularly commit yourself to reflecting and improving on your own practice to ensure currency in the sector?

Wite at least three (3) strategies.


17.When reflecting on professional development, it is critical to assess one’s mental and physical health. Develop a list of at least five (5) common indicators that educators experience when they require self-care and professional support.


18. The practice of professional reflection involves a structure to ensure that the process is goal-oriented, realistic, and time-bound. The table below guides you on how to develop a professional development plan or quality improvement plan.  

Professional Development Plan
Element Describe each element Provide a statement reflecting each element
a. Goal



My goal is to



I will achieve my goal within
c. Key Performance Indicators




d. Monitoring strategies



e. Feedback approaches





19. Research a current or emerging trend in professional development relevant to your sector and determine your strategies to improve or address the changes in your sector.