Peter is considering operating a local business in the textile,…

Peter is considering operating a local business in the textile, clothing and footwear sector. Peter has completed research into the operations of similar businesses both locally and regionally and intends to market and sell his products both at the local and regional levels at the same time. Peter understands that to shape the business’s overall strategy there are various strategic drivers both internally and externally which must be considered and he wants expert advice on these drivers relevant to his business. He is also struggling with deciding on the best structure for the organization, as well as the most effective ways of marketing his products to ensure that they are more attractive to buyers than the current options. Peter is considering a strategic alliance but is not sure if to form links among non-competitive firms or associate with firms in an unrelated activity. He is also aware that even other types of strategic alliances exist but does not have a good grasp on this area to make an informed choice. Peter is aware of internal and external tools which businesses use to understand the operating environment but is unsure which ones are feasible for his business or will provide the most relevant information. Peter wants to go global in the future. He was listening to a radio program and they mentioned that there are drivers that shape strategies when persons are considering going global but he is not familiar with what these are. Whilst Peter has a lot of ideas, he recognizes the need for help to ensure his success. Further to the case above, as a Strategic Management Consultant, please answer the following questions



 a. Identify and discuss the type of strategy, based on what was discussed in the course that Peter needs to adopt. Information from the scenario must be included to support the discussion.


b.Clearly identify and discuss three (3) internal and three (3) external drivers, as discussed in the course which Peter needs to consider as part of his strategic planning exercise relative to the case presented. Information from the scenario must be included to support the discussion.


c. Discuss three (3) structures as discussed in the course. Recommend with justification to Peter an appropriate structure from the structure types discussed for his business, clearly indicating two (2) benefits and two (2) limitations of the chosen structure. What will this structure look like? Show graphically (configure the departments etc., based on the nature of the business in the scenario). For each limitation discussed suggest one (1) way to mitigate each limitation stated. Information from the scenario must be included to support the discussion


d. Identify and discuss the four (4) categories which strategic alliances can fall into as discussed in the course. Clearly identify a type of alliance, from the discussion for Peter based on the scenario presented with the use of a company locally or regionally to improve his chances of succeeding in the market. The name of the company must be clearly stated. Information from the scenario must be included to support the discussion.


 e. Understanding how an organization operates internally is critical for sustainability and success. The SWOT and IFE are internal organisational assessment tools as discussed in the course which are used to internally assess firms. Discuss both tools. Recommend one (1) of the tools discussed for use by Peter in his firm. From the case presented, a complete thorough analysis of Peter’s operations, using the tool suggested tool. Information from the scenario must be included to support the discussion.