Q 1. Companies seeking high market share and market growth will…

Q 1. Companies seeking high market share and market growth will generally carry longer
product lines
A) True
B) False
Q2. List out Four major consumer promotion tools:
Q3 Babysitting is an example of
A) Pure tangible good
B) Tangible good with accompanying service
C) A hybrid
D) Pure Service
Q4. Service quality model highlights ——- gaps that can prevent successful delivery
A) 4
B) 5
C) 3
D) 6



Q5. Value Network can be explained as ——————————————————————–
Q6. Three types of marketing in service industry are internal marketing, external marketing and
interactive marketing
A. True
B. False
Q7. Reverse flow channel explains—————————————————————————
Q8. Three major considerations in price setting are costs set a floor to the price, competitors
price and the price of substitutes that provide an orienting point
A. True
B. False
Q9. In —————– marketing multiple channels work seamlessly together and match each
target customers preferred ways of doing business, delivering the right product information and
customer service regardless of whether customers are online, in the store or on the phone
A. Omnichannel
B. Go Green
C. Cause related
D. Global
Q10. Horizontal marketing systems can be explained as————————————————–
Q11. In pull strategy the manufacturer uses advertising, promotion and other forms of
communication to persuade customers to demand the product from intermediaries thus inducing
the intermediaries to order it.
A. True
B. False



Q12.Title flow and physical flow are examples of marketing flow in the marketing channel.
A. True
B. False
Q13. ————– strategy places the goods or services in as many outlets as possible and is good
for products consumers buy frequently or in a variety of locations.
A. Exclusive Distribution
B. Selective Distribution
C. Intensive Distribution
D. Random Distribution
Q14. Corporate, administered and contractual are types of:
A. Vertical Marketing System
B. Horizontal Marketing System
C. Lateral Marketing System
D. Circular Marketing System
Q15. ———————- is the idea of targeting customers with a mobile promotion when they
are within a defined geographical space, typically near or in store.
A) Customer fencing
B) Geo fencing
C) Customer Attraction
D) Customer Discount
Q16. —————- are independently owned businesses that take title to the merchandize they
handle. They are full service and limited-service jobbers, distributors and mill supply houses.
A) Full-Service wholesalers
B) Merchant Wholesalers
C) Brokers and Agents
D) Specialized Wholesalers
Q17. In logistics use of water and trucks as mode of transportation to move goods is known as:
A) Fishy back
B) Piggyback
C) Train ship
D) Air truck
Q18. One of the steps of market logistics planning is to develop operational excellence in sales
forecasting, warehouse management, transportation management and materials management
A. True
B. False



Q19. Five M’s of advertising are mission, money, message, media and ———–
A) Manpower
B) Multiplicity
C) Mobility
D) Measurement
Q20. ————- is the number of times within specified period that an average person or
household is exposed to the message.
A. Reach
B. Frequency
C. Impact
D. Magnitude
Q21. A company’s share of advertising expenditures produces a share of voice that earns a share
of consumers’ minds and hearts and ultimately a share of market.
A) True
B) False
Q22. Contrary to popular opinion most word of mouth is not generated online.
A. True
B. False
Q23. In message source three most often identified sources of credibility are expertise,
trustworthiness and value
A. True
B. False
Q24. There are —— major steps in effective selling
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 3
Q25. —————— is not a mode of entry into foreign market.
A. Joint Venture
B. Direct Exporting
C. Direct Investment
D. Collaboration



Q26. Cause related marketing links the firms contribution towards a designated cause to
customers engaging directly or indirectly in revenue producing transactions.
A. True
B. False
Q27. In creative strategy a transformational appeal elaborates on a non-product related benefit or
A. True
B. False
Q28. What is Marketing Communications mix and what are the common communication
platforms available to companies.
Q29. Give an example of any PR campaign that was launched by the company on which you
have done the marketing plan.
Q30. What is Apple’s marketing Strategy? Explain with example