(Take note: Relate to the concept of Transforming Work)   In this…

(Take note: Relate to the concept of Transforming Work)


In this assignment, to respond to a statement concerning work that may challenge current assumptions but encourage to connect ideas and information (CCS Creative thinking) to test the statement. In working through this statement, to demonstrate how we evaluate relationships, patterns and trends about the changing nature of work to generate wider insights (CCS Sense-making).


“If you ask [the actual worker] what he thinks the best part of his life, he is not likely to say, “I enjoy manual work because it makes me feel that I am fulfilling man’s noblest task, and because I like to think how much man can transform his planet. It is true that my body demands periods of rest, which I have to fill in as best I may, but I am never so happy as when the morning comes and I can return to the toil from which my contentment springs.”

—Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness.


Discuss the statement above with reference to a type of work that you consider to be significant. In the discussion, to also make reference to ONE relevant theory (John Locke, Karl Marx or Émile Durkheim).


1a) Identify a specific type of work and outline the nature of this work. (10 marks)

[Points to note: Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the tasks and work processes of the specific type of work.]


1b) Describe the current social and economic context of the type of work you have chosen and show its impact on our society – whether socially, culturally, technologically or economically. (20 marks)

[Points to note: Provides relevant and thorough details to describe the social and economic context that affects the specific job or type of work chosen. Demonstrates excellent and holistic understanding of how social, economic and political systems can shape work and jobs. Provides excellent and holistic examination of the chosen work’s impact on persons, relationships, institutions and/or systems, whether social, cultural, technological and/or economic.]


1c) Explain how the statement above applies to this type of work. You must also use ONE relevant theory from this course (i.e. John Locke, Karl Marx, or Émile Durkheim) to help you discuss about the meaning and value of labour in this type of work. (40 marks)

[Points to note: Demonstrates excellent understanding of the statement and its implications when applied to the type of work chosen. Demonstrates excellent understanding of the chosen theory. Shows consistent, relevant and even application of the statement and the chosen theory in discussing the specific job or type of work chosen. Excellent integrated discussion of statement, type of work and the chosen theory, and excellent ability to connect ideas and information and to evaluate relationships, patterns and trends to generate wider insights in the discussion of the meaning and value of labour.]


1d) Discuss how automation would impact this type of work. Your discussion should focus on the worker and the work they do. (20 marks)

[Points to note: Excellent understanding of automation and its relevance in contemporary societies.  Excellent focus on and discussion of the relevance or otherwise of automation to the specific job or type of work chosen, with an excellent understanding of the factors that make automation possible, difficult or not possible in this job. Excellent discussion of the positive and/or negative impact of automation on the chosen work.]


1e) Articulate your ideas clearly

[Points to note: Ideas are expressed clearly and fluently. Excellent ability to synthesise information and inputs to communicate an overarching storyline.]