In your replies to at least two peers, continue the discussion…

In your replies to at least two peers, continue the discussion surrounding the influence and impact of customer demands. You may use the following questions to guide your response:


How can organizations influence consumer behaviors and increase awareness of the value of the triple bottom line?
How can an organization leverage its mission, vision, and values in its communications with customers?
Should organizations ignore customers with unethical demands? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so?


The Amazon effect describes the shake up in the normal business model, especially brick and mortar shopping due to the rise of eCommerce. The rise in eCommerce has had large impact on many of the traditional shopping businesses. It’s especially harsh to business that do not have an online presence and rely strictly on brick and mortar stores. Many of these stores have lost huge profits and have had to close as a result.

 Amazon is the leader in this area as it offers convenience, speed, and variety. They offer same day delivery for some products and overnight for others. This type of customer service is hard to match by any brick and mortar store. The positive impact is the consumer has much more options than ever before in one place. They can shop freely without ever leaving home and know that their products will be delivered that day or relatively soon.

 Businesses have a responsibility to operate ethically. But consumers also have a responsibility to put pressure on these companies to operate ethically. In fact, without consumers, businesses would fail. The question is how much responsibility falls on the consumer and how much on the business? While there will always be consumers that do not worry about the ethical practices of company so long as it doesn’t affect them but there are many who are concerned whether they are operating ethically.



The “Amazon effect” has had negative effects to the market, specifically physical retailors. This is because of the increased online shopping. Customers now can sit at home and shop for all items anytime of the day or night. The consumer can compare prices, see reviews, and purchase all without leaving their house. They are still able to receive most items within a few hours or days. The environmental factor is also a huge negative effect for many customers the boxes and plastic they are shipped in, the extra trucks on the roads, and the smog and pollution from those trucks.

The “Amazon effect” also has positive effects, shoppers don’t have to leave the house, this was especially helpful during the pandemic. It also allows customers to see real life hones reviews, not having to rely on what a salesman tells them. It has also opened many jobs, from office jobs, customer service jobs, drivers, and warehouse employees to name a few.

The unethical practices of poor employee treatment, negative environmental impacts of production and decreased use of local stores does fall on customers and businesses. A business that has these unethical treatments is the first and most at fault. They are choosing to profit over people, environment, and communities. However, the customer that choses to support these companies also is making a choice, and as long as a business is making their goals and profits, they will not be motivated to change.