jjharrisindustries please make a five to six hundred word response to the following…please make a five to six hundred word response to the following document using at least 1 scholarly citation  Utilitarianism is the ethical viewpoint that the most moral choice is the one that produces the greatest good for the most amount of people or helps more than it harms, or that the morality of the act is based upon the result. [1] This theory claims this as what “the good” as if it helps the majority, how could it be bad. While on many issues, this can be helpful and be the best answer, Utilitarianism also excludes the minorities. Just because an act does good for a majority, does not mean it should be done when it is still hurting some. Recently, there have been many stories of police shootings and whether they were justified or not. With these, simply convicting those involved to stop rioting would be the choice, however, to many, it is unfair to simply give in to the majority.The divine command ethics, meanwhile, are based on Scripture and not judging the result. “A divine command system is one in which the ultimate foundation of morality is the revealed will of God, namely, the commands of God as found in Scripture.” [2] Dive command ethics knows “the good” because it is what God says is good. There is no judging the morality the act by ourselves or basing it off of the majority, it is simply what God says is right.One thing that both of these theories have in common is both will have times of “the greatest good” morality choice. This addresses a weakness in divine command in times where there are two contrasting commands of God where the person becomes placed in a moral dilemma. While sin is always an act of evil, people have the duty to commit the lesser evil. A great of example of this would be lying to protect others, such as during the Holocaust. While it is wrong to lie, it is also wrong to give people up to their certain death, so the lie is the much easier choice. This can also be viewed as hierarchialism, which states “a person has the obligation to do the greater good and is not morally culpable for doing what could not be avoided.” [3]Divine command ethics is the stronger of these theories due to it being able to clearly address why the act is moral, while also taking the strongest trait of Utilitarianism for times where there is conflict. Utilitarianism can be vastly different depending on where you are in the world or who you are around, as each group has different views as to what is best. This can cause many issues during disputes on a global scale as what is morally right in one place is illegal in another. An example would be the consumption of alcohol, which is common place in the Bible with wine, and common in the United States. Meanwhile the host of the World Cup, Qatar, has it outlawed. While in one culture it is common place and used in communion, it is an illegal act in another. If everyone follows the same commands, such as under divine command and follow the Bible, then these types of disputes would be left to God’s command.BusinessBusiness – Other