Research Proposal Assignment (10%) – Due Week 12 Due date: Week 12…

Research Proposal Assignment (10%) – Due Week 12
Due date: Week 12 (Week of March 27)
Submission instructions: Upload to the drop box
You are expected to choose one country from the attached list and place
your choice in the discussion tab on e-conestoga for week 11. Approval
must be sought and received from your professor prior to proceeding with
this assignment. Proceeding without approval will result in a zero grade.
Topics are given on a first-come, first-served basis. No duplication of topic.
Research required: 3-5 quality sources of information. Start with some of the
sources linked in eConestoga and use the library for help. Do not use Wikipedia
—it is not reliable and is often biased. Evaluate your sources for quality and
One good source is the US CIA.
A proposal is an idea that is presented to others for approval or feedback. In
business, a written proposal is a way to share a thorough plan for a project and
seek permission to progress and complete the project. By its nature, that makes
it a persuasive document. Persuasion in business occurs with strong factual
information plus convincing data. Remember: a proposal is not the finished
This proposal must be set-up using proper memo format with an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
The scenario: You are the HR manager for a medium-sized company with its
headquarters in Canada. The company has decided to open a new office in
Mali. You have been tasked with
creating a report for employees who will be locating to the topic country.
Note: the goal of this assignment is to learn something new about international
business. For that reason, do not write a report about your own home country or
about Canada. It’s too easy to surrender to personal biases rather than seeking 
out unbiased research.
Your task: the final project requires you to write a report for employees who will
be relocating to a new country (topic pre-approved). Prior to the report, you are
COMM8190 International Communications2
preparing the memo proposal. First, select a country you will represent and do
some initial planning and research. Then, write a two to three page memorandum
to propose your ideas to your professor.
The Proposal: Use a memo template (provided)
Introduction: In the first paragraph, briefly explain the reason for the proposal.
Craft an interesting, but business-like opening to capture the reader’s interest.
Background and Purpose of the Report: Provide some background
information about the country and explain the benefits of preparing and educating
employees before they relocate to the new country. You can get creative in
choosing a specific industry or sector for the company you work for.
Think about some of the important concepts we have discussed this term:
dominant/nondominant groups, communication styles (high/low context), contact
zones, intercultural sensitivity, miscommunication, and conflict. How will your
report help the employees navigate these challenges?
Research Plan: explain how you will fulfill the research requirement:
– Create a research question that you can use to search the internet or
library databases.
– List 2 or 3 information sources you have found.
– Provide the full APA reference and a brief (2-3 sentence) description of
the source.
– Try to get a variety of sources (articles, websites, etc.) so you get multiple
points of view.
The strength and credibility of this research is key in creating a persuasive and
factual report project.
Length: 2 to 3 pages, memo format with headings and sub-headings
Tone: Informal, but still business-like. You may use 1st and 2nd person writing
(you, I, me). This is a business message that is sent to me (your “boss”) from