Film Reflection Assignment (35 marks total = 15%) The Basics…

Film Reflection Assignment (35 marks total = 15%)
The Basics
Leadership can be hard to describe but easy to see. The aim of this assignment is the observation and analysis of moments of leadership. To provide you with an opportunity for reflection and the articulation of your thoughts on a how the leadership theories presented in the textbook connect to “real life” situation.
After watching the film you will critically answer the following questions using specific examples from the film to justify your answers. You may also consider using some information discussed in the course or from other sources to help support your answers.
Connection to Learning Outcomes
• Explain leadership styles, practices, knowledge, and skills. • Examine various leadership concepts and issues utilizing historical and theoretical perspectives. • Explore contemporary leadership from a Canadian and global perspective.
How to complete this assignment?
Select and watch one of the films below to use as the basis for this assignment. You are encouraged to watch the film trailer and review the film information prior to watching (search the film on IMDB)
Available through Georgian Library DatabasE:
• The Grizzlies (2018)
• Coach Carter (2005)
• Selma (2014)
• Invictus (2009)
• Freedom Writers (2007)
Must find the film on your own:
• Remember the Titans (200)
• Miracle (2004)
• Lincoln (2012)
• You will need to make direct and specific connections to people, scenes, and quotes from the film. Review the assignment before watching and take notes as you watch (HINT: include time stamps in your notes so you can refer back to the film).
• You will need to make direct and specific connections to the Practices from the course textbook, The Student Leadership Challenge in parts of this assignment.

• You must follow APA formatting and citation guidelines. This includes providing references at the end of your assignment and in text citations for connections to the film, course textbook, and any other sources used throughout the assignment.
After watching, answer the following three questions based on the film you chose. Please use headings to separate your response for each question.
1. In your opinion, who is the most interesting “leader” in the film (they do not need to have a position of leadership)? Describe the leadership style of this character. Justify your response using specific details from the film.
Your response to this question should be 1 page minimum. (10 marks)
2. Describe some of the issues and/or challenges that are presented in the film. How do leaders in the film approach these challenges differently? What lessons can be learned about leadership in general based on their success or lack of success in resolving these issues/challenges.
Your response to this question should be 1 page minimum. (10 marks)
3. Select three of the five Practices outlined in the course textbook, The Student Leadership Challenge. Select a character from the film that demonstrates each practice (you may choose the same or a different character for each Practice).
Use specific details from the film and actions associated with the practice (smallest headings within each practice) to identify connections that describe how this character demonstrates the practice.
Your discussion for this question should be approximately 2 pages. (15 marks)
How to submit this assignment?
Please ensure you have followed APA guidelines and that your assignment has been completed with Academic Honesty in mind. Make sure you have edited and revised your assignment before you submit.