        Introduction      The assessment tasks for BSBLDR412…








The assessment tasks for BSBLDR412 Communicate effectively as a workplace leader are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.  

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully. 

Assessment for this unit 

BSBLDR412 Communicate effectively as a workplace leader describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to use advanced-level critical thinking skills in a professional context. This includes using methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. 

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks: 

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly. 

Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio.   








BSBLDR412: Communicate effectively as a workplace leader 

Student Name: 






 Trainer Signature 













Students: This part of the unit’s assessment is to establish what you already know, to introduce concepts associated with ‘Communicate effectively as a workplace leader’, and to get you thinking about these concepts.  

Match the main components of communication with the correct description by writing the letter of the component on the left next to the description on the right. 













A means by which message is transmitted between sender and receiver. 


















Anything that interferes with the transmission of message or acknowledgement e.g. technology, cultural understanding, lack of critical information etc. 





















Confirmation of receipt of message by receiver, sent back to sender. 


















Anyone or anything that initiates the message. 















Response to the message from receiver. 















Piece of information. 















Anyone or anything that receives the message. 





Which of the following do you think are types of ‘communication context’? Tick 








Intrapersonal Communication  

Interpersonal Communication  

Group Communication 



Public Communication  

Mass Communication  

Business communication 




Business Communication is goal oriented including rules, regulations and policies of a company which have to be communicated to people within and outside the organisation.   

p   TRUE           p   FALSE 













What type of business communication, oral or written, do you think you would typically use for each of the following examples? 

Interviews _______________________________________________________ 

Staff meetings ____________________________________________________ 

Making a complaint ________________________________________________ 

Work procedures __________________________________________________ 

Clarifying a daily work process _______________________________________ 

Reporting _______________________________________________________ 

Presentation _____________________________________________________ 

Agenda _________________________________________________________ 


Why do you think it is the role of a leader to provide context for organizationalleader/worker information? 

to help teams and individuals make sense of what they read and hear, or 

to tell employees what they need to do 


Do you think there is a difference between effective and efficient communication? 








Briefly explain your answer _________________________________________________________________________________ 




If the receiver considers your communication as threatening, demeaning or offensive but you did not intend it to be, is it still disrespectful?  


















What do you think are the possible outcomes of leaders only communicating with workers when there is a performance issue or a mistake? 

Reduce morale 

Reduced productivity 

Better leader / worker relationships 



Clear understanding of their job role 

High staff turn over 

Better workplace efficiency 




Should feedback, positive or negative, focus on: 

Behaviour and performance              or 



The individual and/or their characteristics 




File notes, verbal communication templates, emails, minutes, diaries and contemporaneous notes are all used to  ___________________________________________________________________ 

 What do you think a ‘status report’ is used to communicate?   




 What does ‘talking to your team members’ and ‘observing how team members react when receiving communication’ help you do? 

Work out who doesn’t listen 



Improve your own communication