Chargerram30  . Corporate Philanthropy involves: Paying foreign employees fair…Image transcription textCorporate Philanthropy involves: Paying foreign employees fairwages. O Sharing ideas with the county government. OCorporation’s gifts to charitable organizations. O Sustainability…. Show moreImage transcription textThe Dells Cargo bank was rocked by scandal with the discovery ofone million phony accounts created by employees to hit salestargets and receive bonuses. After an investigation, it … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEmployees compelled to report a significant wrongdoing by theiremployer are protected by : O The unfair trade laws O Theirco-workers O Whistleblower protection laws O The ri… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWithholding information from sellers and buyers in order toexpedite the closing of a deal is a business practice: O Common,lucrative and unethical. O Common and ethical. O Co… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe sincerity of corporate Social Responsibility programs isquestioned: O as corporate “window-dressing”. O fortax evasion. O as unprofitable. O for accounting discrepancies…. Show moreImage transcription textAn automotive company was looking to expand internationallyand selected three possible countries in which to build a factory.All three of the potential counties had government offi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich of the following study schedules is most effective forlearning assuming you have an exam in 2 weeks? O Study once perweek for 7 hours O Study every day for 1 hour O Stud… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers’ code states,”Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, andwelfare of the public in the performance of their profe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSally works for a mortgage company. She is aware that they areforeclosing on a piece of property that is located next door to herparents. Sally was her supervisor to place a si… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textProfessor Smith has had extensive training about the statepolicies that she must adhere to as a teacher. Last week she was her student’s mom to give an update on how … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textBuilding trust and creating community between employees andstakeholders is: O A company’s decision to donate money tononprofits. O The CEO’s job to volunteer for a social c… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is anot-for-profit association representing more than 89,000veterinarians. They have the “Principles of Veter… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSelf Dealing arises when as a business owner you: O As a memberof the City Council, you vote to award contracts to your business.O Become a member of the City Council. O Accept gift… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHome healthcare providers, in collusion with referral agents, billMedicare for unnecessary treatment. This type of arrangementconstitutes a form of bribery known as: O double deali… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn decision making, determining the of a course of action maydepend on statutes, regulations and codes. O morality O ethics Olegality O practicality… Show moreImage transcription textSilver Mining is opening a new mineral extraction facility in thelocal town and will employ several thousand people. They havedecided to install scrubbers on the smokestacks of the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA company’s supply chain is part of its Corporate SocialResponsibility because: O International standards are adequatefor environmental regulations. O The facilities are out… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other