  How many companies are headquartered in Texas? How many…


How many companies are headquartered in Texas?
How many companies begin with the letter S?
In what industry does the company PriceSmart Inc compete?
How many companies compete in the Energy industry & trade on the American Stock Exchange?
how many companies end with the letter E?
How many companies compete in the Media industry or are headquartered in Ohio?
How many companies trade on the New York Stock Exchange and generate NetSales greater than $30,000?
How many companies generate sales between $50,000 and $70,000?
What are the total NetSales of all companies trading on the Regional Stock Exchange? (When typing your answer, round it up/down to the whole dollar, i.e., no decimal place.)
How much did Cala Corp donated in 2008 and 2009 combined?
How many companies donated more than $25 to Red Cross in 2009?
How many companies donated more than $48 in 2008?
In which year did companies donate more…2008 or 2009?  Show your numbers (e.g., Answer is 200?, 2008 = $x, 2009 = $y)
What are the average donations of all companies headquartered in Iowa?(When typing your answer, round it up/down to the whole dollar, i.e., no decimal place.)
What is the average AmountDonated of all companies to the charity United Way? (When typing your answer, round it up/down to the whole dollar, i.e., no decimal place.)
Create a parameter query that enables you to type in the Charity (United Way, Red Cross, or Children First) when the query is run.  Use the Company, DonationYear, and AmountDonated fields along with the charity field in the query. Save this query and call it Q16.  How many corporations donated to “Children First” in 2008?  Close the query when done.
Create a new query.  Add the Corporations and Donations tables to the Design View. Add Company, Headquarters, AmountDonated, & NetSales to the design grid.  Then create a calculated field call DonationPercent.   Divide the AmountDonated by NetSales.  Format the field to be a percentage showing two decimal places.  Sort the query so the largest percentage is displayed first in the query view.  Which company in Alaska donated the highest % of its sales?
Create a crosstab query.  Use the Corporations table.  Use headquarter for the row headings.  Use industry for the column headings and average NetSales in data area. What are the average sales of the Banks industry in Ohio? (Round your answer up/down to the whole dollar, i.e., no decimal place.)
Which Industry has the highest total NetSales?
What are the total NetSales of all companies in the Media industry?  (Round your answer up/down to the whole dollar, i.e., no decimal place.)
Run a delete query to delete all records in the Donations table where the charity is Red Cross.  How many records were deleted?
Create a make table query that takes all records from Florida and pastes them into a new table called SouthEastCorp.  Use the fields of company, headquarter and NetSales. How many records were pasted into the new table?
Create an append query that takes all Georgia records and appends them to the bottom of the SouthEastCorp table created in the previous question.  Use the company, headquarter and NetSales fields. How many records were appended to the table?
Use an update query to change all American Stock Exchange records to ASE.  How many records were updated?
Use an update query to add $3 to each AmountDonated of all companies.  What’s the new amount donated from NRG Energy Inc  in 2008?