Read the “Monster-Free Mouths Movement: AAPD makes a big deal about…

Read the “Monster-Free Mouths Movement: AAPD makes a big deal about the importance of little teeth” case study on Pages 105 and 106 of your textbook. Once you are finished, go to American Academy of Pediatric DentistryLinks to an external site. website. Click on the Mouth Monsters link and read several of the articles.

Much of the material on Mouth Monsters is aimed at parents and caregivers of young children. Using the information you have gathered and your understanding of the ROPES planning process, you will now set a proposal for AAPD to extend the existing campaign to reach beyond parents and caregivers to organizations that come into contact with children of the same age. To do this, you must:

Use the same materials
Use the same awareness goals
Make an outline of a PR campaign
Choose as your target audience:
An organization that comes into contact with children of the same age (Brownies, Cub Scouts, primary grade teachers, youth sports, et cetera.)

*Note: You are still representing AAPD. This is simply an extension of the existing Monster-Free Mouths campaign with a new target audience.

Guidelines for making a campaign plan are available in the Proposals and Marketing Plans section of your Strategic Writing text. You are not required to make a full proposal or plan. Use the information in the writing text to gain a better understanding of campaign plan requirements and as a skeleton for your outline, which should include:

Brief situation analysis
Summarizes the current campaign and provides a reason to extend it in the way that you propose.
Statement of purpose
No more than three sentences
Target audience
You must research the target audience you have selected. For example, if you choose the Cub Scouts, you need to know how many children they have enrolled, how often most of these children have contact with the organization, if there are any activities or badges that scouts can earn that might work with or reflect the Monster-Free Mouths campaign, and other information relevant to a campaign aimed at this organization.
Goals are the same as the Monster-Free Mouths campaign
Objectives will vary to apply to the new target audience
Strategies should be briefly explained.
Explain why you are recommending these actions.
Explain how these strategies apply to the target audience.
Tactics should be listed under the strategy they support.
If it is not obvious how a tactic supports the strategy, include an explanation.
Explain how your proposed campaign extension will help the overall Monster-Free Mouths campaign and support the goals of the AAPD.


Pages 105-106 down below

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o Include families and community members. . Tactics . Rewrite
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In your post, provide a rationale for your campaign:
A rationale statement articulates the reasons for your proposed choices.
You can draw your rationale from the statement of purpose and benefits/conclusion sections of your proposal.
Be sure to include relevant theory and research to support your ideas.