Do you agree with my reason for participation?   Let me tell you…

Do you agree with my reason for participation?


Let me tell you why? (The reason we do Participation)





To prepare for all future courses participation activities
To learn to proof read communication
To learn to professionally communicate
To practice making time to engage school
To learn from peers.


Concept: Participation activity in the discussion forum.


Common Questions:

Q1. Why is it that if I am just one word short from the words count requirement will my post be disqualified?

Reasoning: All other classes the word count minimums for a post will be 150 words. In this course, 75 words is only half of that. As this class is to prepare students for future classes this standard must be reached to get you aware of your word count. Each participation post in the system can be either mark as substantial or not. There is no in between option.


Q2. Does it really matter if I have a spelling or grammar error?

Reasoning: Absolutely. A spelling or grammar error on a future job application will cause a prospective employer to look elsewhere. In our digital age we have a program called spell check which literally marks the vast majority of these errors on a document. If a student is unable to do the simple task of clicking a button to fix their work, how will they be diligent enough to complete other tasks? Remember participation is an activity to prepare students for future classes.


Q3. Why can’t I do all my posts on one day?

Reasoning: Participation also is used to encourage student to student interactions about the weekly subjects. If all the posting were done on one day, this would inhibit that benefit. Additionally, there are Federal educational standards of student activity that have to be met. Furthermore, College is basically a part time job where students are the employees being trained by their manager the instructor. Employees do not get to create whatever schedule they want. Yes, there is some flexibly such as days of the week and time of the day but the full scheduled shift must be met if they want to get paid. In College, the payment is points.


Final thought.

How we present ourselves on the internet can have a significant impact on how others will judge us. When companies, teachers, coaches and other have low standards they produce low quality people. I know anyone can improve through practice and increase their skill set so to be really prepared for the next course. I do not need to prepare students for the easy laidback instructors, but instead the picky strict ones. Fine-tuning our writing skill will empower our communication skills. As a resources you can always go back to Topic 2 DQ 1 and read the post “Why is my participation grade low?” and watch the video attached there for examples and ideas for posting in the discussion forum. In the overall, class Participation is 21% of the grade when you include the DQ’s. If you develop to habit to meet participation and DQ requirement you can basically guarantee those points in future classes. This creates a great buffer to passing a class or securing an A in a difficult course.