“Just Vegan” is a vegan Asian restaurant located at the heart of…

“Just Vegan” is a vegan Asian restaurant located at the heart of Sunshine.  The business currently employs 6 people – delivery personnel, casual waiter/waitress and a small kitchen team. Ngoc, the business owner has been in this business for over 5 years. The technology is changing the landscape around him with increased competition and an ever-demanding market. Ngoc is old school and not tech savvy when it gets to IT based operations. However, he is keen to Information System that is suitable for his business. He envisages that this will help him maintain and increase the local market share and the Just Vegan Brand.

Customers’ orders and their preferred meals and drinks are manually recorded on a hard copy together with contact details of the customers. In the same ledger, Ngoc keeps all details of his staff and all business transactions.

The only technology at Just Vegan, is a traditional digital Cash register with an EFPOS terminal that is only used to generate total sales of the day.

Ngoc would like to bring his business to implement an Information system but having limited knowledge of available Digital Solutions, he does not know where to start. He finds the transition without outside help a daunting task. 

Some of the current challenges facing the business:

Ease of access to the customer’s information/preferences when staff are taking orders
Security concerns of the IT ecosystem (e.g., internal and/or external unauthorised access to Inventory/ sales/ staff/ customer info)
Current system does not offer an intuitive approach for processes of compliance, organising and accessing data to support the manager making optimal business decisions


Ngoc is now seeking the right advice to make the transition and stay competitive and has chosen you as his consultant. Your task is to provide a solution to adopt a digital solution, replacing the current paper-based system and increase efficiency.

Just Vegan wants its team to become more efficient and have better access to information such as customer details, order history, scheduling, invoicing, and payments.

You, as a consultant, will work with the Just Vegan manager to assess the needs of the business and understand their current processes to optimise them and digitalise all records.

Your role:

Ngoc has hired you as a Digital Consultant to assist Just Vegan to transition to an efficient technology-based Sales system that will provide Ngoc with valuable data on the stores operations customer and staff records. The new System will also assist in keeping up with the challenging demands of all businesses today, its Ethical, Legal, and Technological requirements.

You will need to research and critically analyse your presented Information Technology-based Solutions and present SPECIFIC data/information to validate your recommendations to outline a framework that the business can apply using a change management plan.


a. With the COVID-19 in the background, how can “Just Vegan” stay competitive in this new business and economic environment? Provide two recommendations relevant to Information Systems. Explain each and provide examples.


b. Small businesses just like “Just Vegan” are facing many digital challenges. Based on your research, name three problematic issues or challenges NOT mentioned or listed in the Case Study Explain what must “Just Vegan” do to address them.