The Operations Manager has asked you to develop a welcome email for…

The Operations Manager has asked you to develop a welcome email for conference participants outlining the program for the day that also builds excitement for the conference. It will be sent out with the conference program to all registered attendees. See Appendix 1 for conference flyer.


Appendix 1: Conference program


Leadership Conference 2020: Leading in times of change

4 October 2021 9.30 am – 5.00 pm 

Seaview Suite

Hilton Hotel

488 George Street

Sydney Australia NSW 2000

9 – 9.30 am: Conference welcome

General Welcome – CEO, Bounce Fitness

Welcome to Country – Traditional Custodian 

9.30 – 10.30 Keynote Speaker – CEO of Bounce Fitness

Effective leadership – what sets great leaders apart.

10.30 – 11 am: Morning Tea and networking opportunity 

11 am – 12.30 pm: Mindful Leadership – Becoming a Mindful Leader by the Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Principles

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based approach that has been applied to clinical and organisational settings. When utilised as a leadership model, ACT training demonstrates effectiveness in increasing work performance and innovation while reducing work stress and work errors. Mindful leaders engage individuals effectively to achieve high performance outcomes, create connection with others and model behaviours that drive elite performance. This presentation will introduce basic ACT principles and provide an introduction to the qualities of being and acing as a mindful leader and person.


Tony Solomon is a freelance Psychologies and has extensive training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for clinical purposes, and has a keen interest in applying ACT principles in organisational and performance based settings.


12.30 to 1.30: Lunch


1.30 – 3.00 pm: Understanding Leadership Styles

What kind of person are you? Do you like to work alone or be with lots of people; focus on ideas or practical realities; solve problems or provide empathetic support to help others?

These are all an expression of your personality. During this session, using an Myers Briggs Type Indicator assessment and practical exercises, you will discover more about you as a unique human being and as a leader.


Mark Henry is a Senior Management Consultant with Gelos Enterprises. Mark has a has qualifications and experience in teaching, training, counselling and executive leadership development. 

3 – 3.30 pm: Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity 

3.30 – 5.00 pm: Managing Virtual Teams

Managing a virtual team is different from managing a team that is physically present, and requires a different set of skills for success.

Virtual team management often requires you to deal with cultural differences, time differences, remoteness and technological barriers. This 

Workshop includes setting up a virtual team, conducting meetings, overcoming special 

challenges, using appropriate communication tools and dealing with inefficiency. These skills help you to establish and manage a virtual team successfully.

Presenter: Beverley Farah 

Beverly is a high impact coach, communicator, trainer and consultant. Beverley is a contract consultant for Gelos Enterprises. Beverley creates and delivers memorable, meaningful and high impact interventions that stimulate, resonate and encourage enduring behavioural change which supports individual growth and capability, along with organisational performance and strategy.

Conference price: 

$550 incl GST. 


To register for the conference visit our web site at:

For more information, contact: 

Sally James

Administration/Project Officer