dallert123 Can you give me a substantive reply to this please. Incorporate at…Can you give me a substantive reply to this please. Incorporate at leas one in-text citation and reference. “My experience as a graduate student will be a lot different than my undergraduate experience. The first reason would be because of the amount of writing we will be doing. Although I did get exposed to some writing, it was only one paper for a 16-week class. There was an essay in my accounting course that the professor also used for his master’s program, but his expectations were not the same as what he would expect from the graduate level. He required them to go into more details and did not require us to do one section of the assignment. I would describe a graduate learning community as a place where we can learn from our peers. The reason I say this is because many students at the graduate level have gained experience by working at a professional level after getting their bachelor’s degree. At the graduate level we can discuss things with each other on a professional level. For example, many people most likely have been working in a professional setting and have a lot of knowledge you can learn from. In an undergraduate everyone still has a lot of learning because they are still exploring what they want to do. I believe there are a lot of key components of a learning community at the graduate level that are different from those at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level you can gain a lot of knowledge that can be used to help others. For example, you have more people that have experienced something much different than you, this can help when having class discussions because it can be more in depth than an undergraduate can provide. Therefore, graduate level communities differ in the way a professor teaches their students. Franklin University gives a great quote from Kody Kuehnl who is the Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences & Technology states that “you move from theory to real world applications. Whereas undergraduate is about gaining a broad understanding of a topic, graduate school is a much deeper dive into the intricacies of the field.” (Franklin University, 2023) I think this quote sums up what I have mentioned because it shows that the graduate level requires you to already know about the subject but requires you to apply this knowledge and have a deeper level and understanding about the subject.n.d.). Key Differences Between Undergraduate and Graduate School. Franklin University. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from https://www.franklin.edu/blog/key-differences-undergraduate-graduate-school. For reference, here is the original question. “How do you think your experience as a graduate student will be different from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What would be the key components of a graduate learning community and how might they be different from key components of an undergraduate learning community? Are communication and collaboration expectations the same in a graduate learning community? Explain your response and provide examples.” ThanksBusinessBusiness – Other