SuperHumanHippopotamus736 BASED ON THE INFORMATION BELOW PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS…BASED ON THE INFORMATION BELOW PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COMPANY SUNLIFE CANADA.  How organizational culture is managed by leaders helps you to understand what it would be like to work at this company.Using “13-2: Levels of Organizational Culture” Provide one example of artifacts in the company SUNLIFE CANADAProvide one example of values in the company SUNLIFE CANADAProvide one example of assumptions in the company SUNLIFE CANADAProvide one example in the company SUNLIFE CANADA when there was a difference between an espoused value and an enacted value. Using “13-3: How Culture is Started, Shaped and Reinforced”;Describe what it would be like to work at the company based on the company’s leader actions. Provide two specific examples to support your position.  (12 points)13.2 Image transcription text. Behaviour . Ceremonies and rites Visible and obvious Artifacts .Rituals . Stories . Symbols . Enacted values . Organizationalstandards through interactions but observable Not dir… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 13.1 Rites in Organizations Rite Effect Ceremony + Rites ofpassage Show that an individual’s status within the Promotioncelebrations organization has changed Rites of enhanc… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textShared values represent the middle level of organizationalculture. This level of culture cannot be seen just by looking, butcan still be observed through interactions and in discu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text. . ‘k There may, however, be a difference between a company’sespoused values and its enacted values. Espousedvalues arewritten or vocalized beliefs about the nature of the rel… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13-2C Assumptlons Assumptions are the deeply held and oftenunconscious beliefs that guide behaviour and tell members of anorganization how to perceive situations and people. T… Show more… Show more 13.3 Image transcription text13-3e How Leaders Hire and Fire Individuals Finally, a powerfulway that leaders shape and reinforce culture is through theselection of newcomers to the organization. Leaders o… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 13.2 How Culture Is Started, Shaped, and ReinforcedOriginal values Demands and (from founder) expectations fromstakeholders Creating a culture Foundational values, a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLeaders play crucial roles in shaping and reinforcing culture. *’ Theprocess of creating a culture begins with the idea for the newenterprise. The new organization is already a part of a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13-3a What Leaders Pay Attention to Leaders in an organizationcommunicate their priorities, expectations, values, and beliefs inwhat they notice, comment on, measure, and control. I… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13-3b How Leaders React to Crises The way that a leader dealswith watershed moments communicates a powerful messageabout culture because crisis situations highlight the un… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13-3c How Leaders Behave Employees observe the behaviour ofleaders to find out what the organization values. Through rolemodelling, teaching, and coaching, leaders teach and r… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13-3d How Leaders Allocate Rewards Organizations must ensurethat reward systems establish and reinforce consistent culturalvalues. Some companies claim to reward performance … Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other