#2 Respond to colleagues’ posting in the following way: Address the…

#2 Respond to colleagues’ posting in the following way:

Address the content of each colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic and of the integration of the relevant resources.

Please note that for each response you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.



Describe the central role theory plays in deductive reasoning when conducting quantitative business research.

The role of theory in deductive reasoning while performing quantitative business research is to investigate a well-known idea or phenomenon and determine whether or not it is valid. In the deductive approach, the researcher begins with a thesis and progresses to a new hypothesis. The research will then test the hypothesis by subjecting it to observations confirming or denying the theory. According to (Walden University, 2016), quantitative research measures or evaluates the theory’s core assumptions. Researchers can apply deductive reasoning to theory to quantify notions. Deductive reasoning also helps determine whether a correlation or association is found in more common situations. The deductive method focuses on concluding from assumptions or hypotheses.

Explain the critical relationship between the theory, specific business problem, purpose statement, and research question for a DBA applied Doctoral Study.

In a DBA applied Doctoral study, the relationship between the theory, specific business problem, purpose statement, and research question is the problem, and the purpose statement will explain the issue. The topic’s background gives essential factors that justify why it is a problem, resulting in a research question of what the researcher wishes to uncover. The methodology is the philosophical assumption that the researcher bases the investigation (Walden Univeristy). All of these are related because a researcher uses academic theory to guide scientific research into the causes and solutions of a complex business problem.

Provide at least one example from your own DBA doctoral research that illustrates the impact of theory on the development of an applied Doctoral Study.

Theories support the development of a research question, direct the selection of pertinent data, interpret the facts, and advance hypotheses for the underlying influences or causes of observed events. The sustainable activity model is the conceptual framework I will apply to my research. My research question is, what business methods do hair salon owners use to maintain operations for over five years? The sustainable activity model will help to transform sustainability vision statements into a new set of actions that can generate benefits from new problems like the environment or shortages of resources (Mcphee, 2014). The model will impact the research because it will enable hair salon owners to define new behaviors and additional activities that alter how the company interacts with the outside world and generates value.



McPhee, W. (2014). A new sustainability model: engaging the entire firm. The Journal of Business Strategy, 35(2), 4-12.

Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016h). Theoretical/conceptual framework [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Office of Research & Doctoral Services. (n.d.). Traditional doctoral capstone quantitative studyLinks to an external site..