Discussion Prompt Privacy in the Workplace Securing privacy in the…

Discussion Prompt

Privacy in the Workplace

Securing privacy in the workplace is crucial for promoting a positive work environment for employees. For our second discussion in this module, you will be asked to consider whether employee surveillance should be disclosed to employees.   

The State of Connecticut has passed a law that employers are required to notify all employees if they are planning on monitoring their activities and communications. Read the noticeLinks to an external site. and consider whether you feel this policy should be mandated across the country or only for certain types of businesses. You will be asked to explore this question further in the discussion prompts below.  

Companies must carefully manage both the privacy and security of their business. Is notifying employees about surveillance cameras the best way to ensure the company’s security? If employees know how and when they are being watched, does this make an opportunity for them to devise ways around the cameras to deceive their employer? As you can see, a fine line distinguishes security from privacy. The following video, “Security vs. Privacy! What’s the Difference?” will help clarify the distinction between the two. Pay attention to the different definitions provided in the video and consider how privacy for employees can be achieved within the business world while maintaining a secure business. 


Watch the following YouTube video:


“You manage a large, high-end jewelry store with an international clientele. Your workforce of 150 is demographically diverse, and your employees are trustworthy as a rule. However, you have experienced some unexplained loss of inventory and suspect a couple of employees are stealing valuable pieces, removing them from backroom storage safes, and handing them off to another person somewhere in the store who leaves with them or to a third person pretending to be a customer.

To prevent this, your assistant managers are urging you to place discreet cameras in the restrooms and break rooms, where these exchanges are likely occurring. Some managers might be concerned about using cameras at all due to privacy issues; others might want to use them without notifying employees or putting up signs because they do not want to tip off the suspects or deal with the negative reaction of the workforce (although that brings up invasion of privacy issues). You are weighing the pros of catching the thieves against the possible loss of other employees’ trust.” 

Answer the following questions:  

Is it wrong for an employer to put up security cameras (not including bathroom cameras) in the workplace without telling employees? Why or why not? 
Put yourself in the manager’s shoes and determine how you would approach this situation. Explain in detail what you would attempt and how you would do it.  
What do you think are the most viable solutions to this problem? Explain why you believe the solution you posed in question 2, to be the best one.