Im in insurance billing class and I have a case study! On the case…

Im in insurance billing class and I have a case study! On the case study, it has the clinic  name and address. Directly under it, it gave the provider name, with EIN, NPI. On the sheet, it looks like this:


GoodMedicine Clinic

1 lisa Street

Pincrest ,US 123456789

Provider Name: Janet B surgeon md. EIN and NPI. 


My question is, would she be the billing provider? Because on the Health Insurance claim form, block 33. its asking for the billing provider? If she not the billing provider, shall I leave it blank?


The patient was admitted in the hospital for 3 days. The name of the hospital is Goodmedicine Hospital. But the provider name which is Janet B surgeon md is on the patient record. How shall I deal with this?


The patient record is what I have to find a diagnosis but I dont know if I’m right or not. Here is the admission note:


Mature adult Asian-American male patient, seen for the first time today, was off work due to hypertension when he noted a change in quality of bowel movements in that they became segmented. Two weeks ago occult blood was found in stool on Hemoccult testing x3. Bowel movements occur every 2-3 hours, and stool is flat and hemispheric. He has no weight loss except that following preparation for his barium enema. Appetite is good. In June, he had abdominal cramping. Health problems include hypertension, present for over 20 years, and a recent episode of parotitis. He admits to NO ALLERGIES. No supraclavicular adenopathy. Chest clear to percussion and auscultation. Diminished breath sounds are present. Cardiac exam revealed regular rhythm without extra sound. Abdomen is soft, nontender. Groin is free from adenopathy. Rectal exam revealed normal tone. There is an external hemorrhoid anteriorly. Prostate is 4 x 4 cm, normal in architecture. Hemoccult testing of stool is positive. No masses palpable in rectum. Written report of BE is not yet available, but verbal report from pathology reveals 2 cm apple core type malignant lesion in sigmoid colon, findings compatible with carcinoma.


No supraclavicular adenopathy. Chest clear to percussion and auscultation. Diminished breath sounds are present. Cardiac exam revealed regular rhythm without extra sound. Abdomen is soft, nontender. Groin is free from adenopathy. Rectal exam revealed normal tone. There is an external hemorrhoid anteriorly. Prostate is 4 x 4 cm, normal in architecture. Hemoccult testing of stool is positive. No masses palpable in rectum. Written report of BE is not yet available, but verbal report from pathology reveals 2 cm apple core type malignant lesion in sigmoid colon, findings compatible with carcinoma. 


Malignant lesion, sigmoid colon. 


I read over this paragraph and Im not sure what will be the diagnosis. Please help! And I hope it is correct because I had another tutor and he did poorly on it.