ENGLISH LANGUAGE. THANKS   Abraham Maslow developed Maslow’s…



Abraham Maslow developed Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in order to explore what motivated employees. This theory of motivation considered that a need is a personal requirement and that humans want to fulfill a variety of needs. Maslow suggested that a sequence of needs from the most basic to the most complex was important for managers to consider when working with employees toward a goal.

There are five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

Physiological is the need for basic survival which includes access to food, water, clothing, and shelter. This may be satisfied in having a job that can pay a person’s bills.
Safety is the need to feel secure and free of harm or fear. This may be satisfied in using safety equipment, taking out life and health insurance, and job security.
Social or belonging is the need to feel connected and accepted by others. This may be satisfied through teamwork, company lunches, and opportunities to enjoy company culture.
Esteem is the need for self-respect and respect from others for recognition and status. This may be satisfied through promotions, raises, and perks from work.
Self-actualization is the need for fulfillment and the human want to realize their full potential. This may be satisfied in people completing meaningful work and benefiting the greater good through work. Self-actualization is the most complex need in the hierarchy.

A pyramid represents Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, with self-actualization at the top of the pyramid and physiological at the bottom of the pyramid. The hierarchy is used in a work context as employees fulfill each need, starting at the bottom of the pyramid with physiological needs that can be satisfied through wages. As an employee fulfills a need, Maslow suggests that they will be motivated to fulfill the next need. Needs do not need to be 100 percent fully satisfied for an employee to fulfill the next need and employees can go up and down the pyramid. Managers can use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as they consider what benefits and opportunities may motivate employees.



Imagine your class discussing motivation and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You begin to think about which need is the most important for you to fulfill through a job after you graduate. Your instructor suggests that each need is important, but that you as a future employee may place different importance on the needs depending on what you value the most.

Select which need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Safety, Social or belonging, Esteem, Physiological, and Self-actualization) is most important to you, and explain in your own words why you made that selection. Remember to ask yourself if you want to motivate others to work towards goals you care about. Explain how business managers can motivate employees and what ideas will work for your specific environment.