Read the below self-assessment temperament and come up with some…

Read the below self-assessment temperament and come up with some comments and a critical thought question.


Project Management Traits/Skills / self-assessment temperament type:


As a Guardian I am likely to possess certain traits and preferences that can influence my project management style. Guardians are known for being dependable, responsible, and organized. They value stability, tradition, and structure, and they tend to be committed to following established procedures and rules. They excel in ensuring that projects are executed efficiently and effectively.

There are some projects that may align well with this temperament, such as, construction projects, which is great because this is what I do in the Army. Another would be process improvement projects as Guardians thrive in optimizing systems and processes. As a Guardian, we can excel in projects focused on streamlining workflows, enhancing efficiency, and implementing standardized procedures. Another is compliance and regulation projects involving compliance, auditing, or implementing new regulations where ensuring requirements are met is extremely important. Some others are risk management related projects that focus on risk assessment, mitigation strategies, and developing contingency plans. Guardians value teamwork and collaboration. So, projects involving team coordination, communication, and fostering a harmonious working environment would play to their strengths.


Some strengths as a project manager for a Guardian may include reliability as Guardians are dependable and known for keeping commitments, which helps instill confidence in teams and stakeholders. Guardians excel in organizing and structuring projects. and follow detailed plans contributes to project success. Risk assessment is a big one for Guardians as they are skilled at identifying risks and developing strategies to manage them effectively, helping ensure project success.

Some of the weaknesses as a project manager for a Guardian may include flexibility as Guardians may find it challenging to adapt to sudden changes or unexpected circumstances. Being open to alternative approaches and embracing change can help compensate for this weakness. A resistance to innovation as due to a preference for tradition, Guardians may be less inclined to embrace innovative ideas or unconventional methods. Ways to overcome this weakness would be to actively seek input from team members and considering new approaches. A Guardians’ attention to detail can sometimes lead to micromanaging team members. We can begin to mitigate this tendency by trusting the team and delegating tasks appropriately.


Some of the ways to compensate for these weaknesses as a project manager, could be to encourage input from team members with different perspectives and backgrounds. Embrace new ideas and alternative approaches, fostering an environment that promotes innovation. Develop flexibility, delegate, and empower as recognizing the strengths and capabilities of team members can lead to great success to completing a project. One big one for me is learning about the new techniques and being adaptable to the ever-changing project landscape.