TOPIC- How do Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing…

TOPIC- How do Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value?

PROBLEM STATEMENT- “There is a problem in Mergers and Acquisitions affecting Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value. Despite following due diligence and planning, Mergers and Acquisitions negatively affecting Corporate Financing Strategies. This problem negatively influences capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value because of Lack of Synergy, Culture Clash, Poor Integration and Management Turmoil. A possible cause of the problem is Overpayment, Loss of Focus, Poor Timing and Poor Due Diligence. Perhaps a study investigating problem by contacting financial analyst or corporate finance consultant with experience in Mergers and Acquisitions could provide a solution. They can provide with detailed information about how Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value.”


Q.1 Use the template below to produce the purpose statement for above mentioned topic and problem statement. The purpose of the study should be a one-paragraph concise and meaningful summation of the problem being explored, relevant phenomena, a mention of the stakeholders, and mention of the primary unit of analysis. 


“The purpose of this __________ [type of study] study is to analyze __________ [the phenomena of interest] for __________ [name the stakeholder groups] given __________ [the environment in which we are performing the study] located in the __________ [geographical/virtual location of the study]. Data will be obtained via __________ [describe how you will collect the data] and will be managed __________ [describe method and software used].”


Q.2 For topic mentioned above  “How do Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value?” Share your thoughts about: (a) the types of participants you would like in the study; (b) how you intend to access participants while collecting primary data; (c) the data you intend to collect; (d) how you intend to organize data; and (e) how the data fits your chosen design. Remember, Chapters 7 and 8 of Creswell (2018) may be helpful!


BOOK NAME- Creswell, J.W. & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.



Q.3 Review Chapters 6 and 7 of Creswell (2018) while paying special attention to The Research Questions. Using his advice, create two or three central research questions related to topic  “How do Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value?”



Q.4 Discuss how study of  “How do Mergers and Acquisitions affect Corporate Financing Strategies in terms of capital structure, cost of capital, and shareholder value?” may contribute to gaps in knowledge such that it improves practice and the condition of relevant stakeholder groups?