At least three important points raised by the authors about the…
At least three important points raised by the authors about the problem

Three important points raised by the authors:

Gender composition of any workforce is critical to its success. For example, not only was Darktrace successful because of its workforce which comprised forty percent (40%) women whilst an industry average of gender parity was twenty percent (20%) but also, in the leadership of an executive team women held many higher positions. 
Basing company’s hiring system on meritocracy. This means using each person’s performance and talent as yardstick to hire, promote and reward, regardless of sex, race, class, or nationality as well as encourage everyone to express their opinions freely.
By demonstrating the value that women bring to technical, engineering & mathematical roles, Darktrace sets the bar for other technology companies.
At least three important / ideas proposed to arguments address the problem.
To train and equip new workforces with relevant skills to meet challenges of cyber security threats as most post-Covid-19 businesses are conducted digitally.
Move gender diversity in employment in executive positions across organisations globally, from lip service to genuine policy implementation and enforcement.
Ensure the proliferation of information technologies and machines does not substitute humans completely.
At least three arguments or points where you agree/disagree with the authors with a brief explanation.
I agree with the proposal raised by the author basing the company policies on increasing the number of female experts to senior positions to exercise their experience in male-dominated science, tech, engineering, and mathematics. Her participation and role model in technology promote women employees to 40% must encourage more girls and women to the fields of technology. As recognizes the remarkable achievements of women in the field of cyber security. Poppy’s dedication to her field and her hard work to protect organizations from potential cyber threats have inspired many people and have been instrumental in helping Darktrace to become a leader in the industry


Refer to Note 2 on page 10 of the article, “Darktrace CEO Crowned Woman of the Year for Technology and Innovation,” November 11, 2020. Referring to the, explain why the role of women in information technology is important and how the case can be used in support of SDGS #5.

As SDG5 is supportive of gender equality and empowers women’s and girls’ rights by increasing efforts of the UN toward gender equality to eliminate all kinds of discrimination and violence against women and girls. For example, Poppy Gustafsson in senior leadership roles would positively encourage other women to join a company, by supporting advancing women’s and girls’ careers in technology industries. Women in management positions are also important role models for young girls. Involving women and girls in participating technologies could benefit from the opportunities for learning, and connecting to the social economic network and business.