Can you please provide a reply to this please? Not an explanation…

Can you please provide a reply to this please? Not an explanation of what it is saying. A respond. 


Hello Professor and Class,


The video of Raj Sisodia speaking had a lot of very interesting approaches into the new ways companies and individuals can operate with a conscious approach in how the day to day operates affect the company, employees, community and the planet. These were refreshing views to hear about as he gave personal experiences and shared some of his own acronyms in how these approaches could be achieved such as Healing, Spicee, Tactile, Selfless (Sisodia, 2019). These acronyms clarified how to change ones business prospective and identified key stake holders in various levels in companies, in addition to giving examples on other successful companies and how they have changed on their own or when they were faced with being put in a tough spot. Change occurs in organizations for a variety of reasons and factors, and the four dimensions of EI touch on ones social and personal competence (Griffin, et al 2020). The video and the four dimensions use different verbiage, but the over all principle is the same that companies must be self aware and willing to actively change to better support their various steakholders (investors, employees, environment, ect..) if they wish to stay relevant and provide a service that is wanted and profitable. The way EI supports this is it goes into depth at two levels personal and social and personal competence (Griffin, et al 2020).


These competences relate to how one manages themselves, along with how they manage their relationships which go hand and hand with the presentation that was given by Raj Sisodia. He mentioned how many employees that work for companies didn’t feel as if they were seen and thought of as people and how they felt expendable by the companies and how that had a negative effect on the overall level of employee work ethic (Sisodia, 2019). When Looking at social awareness in the book it talks about having empathy and defines it as not only having perspective but by also taking an active interest for ones concerns (Griffin, et al 2020). This is addressed by Sisodia when he compares the differences between a leader that is selfless and selfish and what that looks like for the company and employees when they are lead by different leaders.






Griffin, R.W., Phillips, J.M., & Gully, S.M. (2020). Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/cengage/2020/organizational-behavior


Sisodia, R. (2019, December 17). Conscious capitalism unpacked: An evening with Raj Sisodia. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyWMffZbCF8 . 


Also, please include at least one in-text citation and one reference. 

