CountSkunk3312 For this assignment I want you to go back and write down the five…For this assignment I want you to go back and write down the five skills or traits that the perspective employer from your posted job ad was looking for and write them down at the top of the page. Then, I want you to choose 3 of those skills/traits. Once you have those, I want you to think of a story that shows you using those traits without telling us that is what you were doing. For example, if I want to show that I have exemplary customer service skills, I will write a short couple of sentences about a time I went above and beyond for a customer as opposed to merely saying that I “have good customer service skills.” This both makes you more memorable and adds a degree of authenticity to your “personal brand.” Assignment Instructions Submission – You should document a  list of five skills at the top. Below that, you will choose three of those skills and show evidence of those skills without telling the audience that is what you are doing. See below example.Example – Let’s say I want to argue that truly care about my students and their communities. I could state that in a letter, but does it feel genuine? Do you believe me? Is anyone going to write that they “hate students and don’t care about the local communities from which they come?” I certainly hope not. So, how do I tell a perspective employer that I care about my students and their communities? I tell them this story…”In March of 2020, as COVID lockdowns began to shut down the economy of South Florida, I utilized my Business Writing course to offer students a way to insulate themselves from shutdowns by changing the final assignment away from a Recommendation paper of where to establish a business to a grant proposal for limited liability corporations they founded that focused on COVID related things in the community. In April, when the course ended, 40% of those students had their grants approved from government agencies, helped to provide COVID relief in their communities, and were able to pay themselves and take care of their families while other people struggled.”Do you see how much more genuine that feels and sounds? I don’t have to say I care about my students and their communities. It is right there in the story, and instead of telling someone, they get to “figure it out” for themselves and they feel smarter for having done so.Now it is your turn… tell me those stories, but keep them short. BusinessBusiness – Other