BrigadierOxide24437   Here is the case    DOJ and Boeing Settle 737 Max Fraud and…Image transcription textCollege of Business Exit Case Analysis – Part A – Ethical ReasoningNow that you have read the case, place yourself in the shoes ofthe CEO of Boeing. Set aside the criminal charges and i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4. Identify the internal pressures (biases) on decision making: Inthis case study, as Boeing made its decisions on how it was tosolve this dilemma, what were the internal biases (inte… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text7. What are the potential consequences of each of thesealternatives? W N P 8. Which 1 of these 3 alternatives would you,the CEO, choose to implement, and what would be you… Show more… Show more Here is the case  DOJ and Boeing Settle 737 Max Fraud and Safety Charges for $2.5 Billion (Part I of III) Image transcription textBoeing’s long and tragic scandal surrounding its 737 MAX safetyconcerns and FAA disclosure violations has come to an end. DOJannounced a settlement early this year, on January 7, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDOJ cited Boeing’s remedial efforts, including: . Creation of apermanent aerospace safety committee of the Board of Directorsto oversee Boeing’s policies and procedures governing… Show more… Show moreBoeing’s 737 MAX Scandal: A Review of Boeing’s Deception of the FAA (Part II of III)Image transcription textBoeing’s criminal conduct, as described in the settlement papers,centered on two of its 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots, whodeceived the FAA about an important aircraft part call… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textrequired flight-simulator training, which required buyingmulti-million dollar equipment and required pilots to take timefrom flying to train on costly flight simulator equipme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEmployee-1: Oh shocker alerT! [sic] / MCAS is now active down to[ Mach] .2 / It’s running rampant in the sim on me / at least that’swhat [a Boeing simulator engineer] thinks is happenin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRather than sharing information about this change with the FAAAEG, Employee 1 and 2 concealed this information and deceivedthe FAA AEG about MCAS. As a result of this deceptio… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textBoeing’s settlement with DO.J raises more questions thananswers. While I understand that a criminal case against Boeingrequires DOJ to identify one or more individuals who … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHow could such blatant misconduct occur in a culture ofcompliance? My questions are somewhat rhetorical but springfrom several well-established principles. Companies t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAbsence of an Independent Corporate Monitor: DOJ’s decisionnot to require the appointment of an independent corporatemonitor is questionable. Boeing’s culture and complia… Show more… Show more  BusinessBusiness – Other