ConstableZebraPerson536 Industries/business environment summary: Provide the focal…Image transcription textP&G in China 1980s to 201026 In 1980, China started theprocess of opening its economy to foreign investment andimports, though foreign products were restricted to sp… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textand Nanping (Fujian Province), and had opened a technical andR&D center in Beijing. Its Tianjin factory was the largestP&G factory in the world. P&G had pioneere… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textdistributors and sub-distributors to extend its reach into rural andremote areas.33 One of the main challenges involved choosingthe right balance of products to sell across wide dispar… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textUSD5.6bn in the US. 40 In contrast to China, Pampers”moderately priced products were gaining share in the US market.Re?ecting on this period in 2017, then-CEO David Tay… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textand to use social media, online videos, live streaming, and shortvideos, to gain the attenti target consumers.” P&G also soldthrough JD Super,’s online supermarket. Sever… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAccording to consultant Frank Lavin: Don ‘t get me wrong,Procter & Gamble is one of the world’s greatest personalcare companies and of course the company is doing fin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsame or similar products throughout the world, were seen aspotentially less ?exible in the face of rapidly changing markets.53In any case, Jon Mocller and his colleagues at P&… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textChina and FMCGs China’s economic development was one of themost important stories of the world economy in the last twodecades of the 201h century and ?rst two decades of t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texturbanization rate of around two-thirds by the latter year [seeExhibit 10]. Per capita disposable income and consumptionexpenditure increased some 30 times in the same peri… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texttotal retail sales. 13 Many observers also pointed out that Chinahad the most dynamic e- commerce environment in the world, sothat major multinational brands could not use prior ex… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textcompany Beiersdorf with 9.8%, Unilever with 8.1%, and anotherGerman company, Henkel, with 5.2%. Hypermarkets andsupermarkets accounted for 32.7% of 2020 sales, follo… Show more… Show moreIndustries/business environment summary: Provide the focal company’s Industries/business environment for both worldwide and China  Global strategies in China: Summarize one or two major business strategies in China, such as entry strategies, partnership strategies, localization, global integration, and other perspectives.  Depth of the summary: Students do not need to mention all the global strategies listed above. They need to pick or two issues but provide sufficient details.  Relatedness with China: Summarize the focal firm’s global strategies in China rather than in other regions.BusinessBusiness – Other