CAP research assignment Job Ad Research – 15 marks (Value – 20% of…

CAP research assignment

Job Ad Research – 15 marks (Value – 20% of total grade)


The Job Ad Research assignment: Now that you have completed the Occupational Tutorial and Quiz  (15%) related to Job Research,  complete the following 3 questions as shown below. 

2 marks will be allocated for spelling/grammar/sentencing, capital utilization, punctuation, etc. Note: there are no resubmission of assignments once marked.



Format Instructions: All answers are to be posted into the “message text box”. DO NOT include any attachments as they will NOT be opened. Attachments will lead to grade of Zero.



Based on the knowledge and skills you will have learned upon completion of the program you are currently taking at Seneca College, utilize your research skills and submit a job Ad that you are interested in AND that you would qualify for. Make sure you meet all of the Canadian requirements of this job ad  NOTE: Additionally,  You MUST ensure you meet the educational and experience areas 
necessary qualifications-including education and experience required



Ensure that you copy and paste the entire job ad and that the entire job ad includes the following details –

job responsibilities, 
full Company name and job title must be present 
whether the position is full time/part time contract or a temporary status, 
the site/location where the ad was found. (not a random Google search)   
provide the link to the job ad

(5 marks)


2.  Based on information given in the job ad, provide 5 individual bullet points – (EACH bullet to begin

     with an ACTION verb as it would appear on your RESUME-Action verb list is included) that explains

     and show you qualify for the position. Each point should represent a different requirement of the job.  

     Within the 5 bullet points,  you MUST have 1 bullet for education and 1 bullet for experience.

     (5 marks)



In detail, provide 3 individual bullet points that further demonstrates why this Company (stated in the above given job ad) should hire you for this job. Your answer should discuss what differentiates you from other candidates applying for the position. What makes you the right person for the company? (eg languages/certifications, etc Do not include soft skills as part of this answer.)

 (3 marks)














You may want to consider using any of these resume action words to begin your bullets


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