Degree of Alignment: Advanced Organizer Review the companies listed…

Degree of Alignment: Advanced Organizer

Review the companies listed in the case studies portion of the textbook. Choose 1 of the companies to use for all weekly assessments. Complete the chart below with information provided in the textbook and other resources. Provide your analysis below the chart.


Selected Organization:

Describe the organization in the following chart. Each description should be seventy to a hundred words.

Element Description
Mission The mission of the chosen organization is to provide innovative and exceptional customer service while delivering industry-leading products. They strive to exceed customer expectations while leveraging technology to increase efficiency. They are committed to developing and maintaining long-term relationships with their customers and partners, as well as being a trusted provider of innovative solutions for their clients.
Vision The vision of the chosen organization is to become the leading provider of innovative digital solutions in their industry and to create long-term customer relationships that are built on trust and value. They seek to create a culture of excellence and innovation while driving digital transformation and providing the highest quality customer experience and service.
Values The values of the chosen organization are integrity, innovation, customer focus, and collaboration. They put integrity first, with a commitment to being honest and transparent in all their business dealings. They strive to be innovative and creative in developing solutions for their clients and partners. They are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and developing long-term customer relationships. Finally, they foster collaboration and teamwork in all their business activities.
Structure The chosen organization has a traditional hierarchical structure. At the top is the Board of Directors, followed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is responsible for overseeing the entire organization. The CEO is supported by the executive team, which consists of the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). Under the executive team are the various departments, such as Sales & Marketing, Operations, Technology, Human Resources, and Finance.
Culture The culture of the chosen organization is one of collaboration, innovation, and customer focus. They strive to create an environment where employees are empowered to work together to create innovative solutions for their customers. They foster an environment of trust, respect, and open communication, where employees are encouraged to think outside the box and take risks while still adhering to the company’s core values.


Based on your advanced organizer and further research on your company, analyze the degree of alignment between what the organization is currently doing (actions) and its mission, vision, values, structure, and culture. Think about what your company is doing right and on-brand and where there is room for improvement. Your analysis should be five hundred to seven hundred-fifty words.

Mission Statement: The firm that was selected has as its purpose to provide innovative and great customer service while also delivering products that are at the forefront of their field. They work hard to surpass the expectations of their customers while simultaneously utilizing technology to improve their productivity. They are dedicated to establishing and sustaining long-term connections with both their customers and partners, in addition to becoming a reliable provider of cutting-edge solutions for their customers. The firm that was selected has the desire to become the top provider of innovative digital solutions in their field and to establish long-term client relationships that are founded on trust and the value they bring. They want to foster a culture that is characterized by excellence and innovation while also leading the charge toward digital transformation and delivering an experience to customers that is of the highest possible standard.


Integrity, creativity, a focus on the client, and teamwork are some of the principles upheld by the firm that was selected. They have made it a priority to conduct all of their business operations honestly and openly. Integrity comes first in all they do. They work hard to be original and imaginative in the solutions that they produce for their customers and business partners. They make it a priority to provide outstanding service to their customers and to cultivate lasting connections with those customers. Last but not least, they encourage working together and as part of a team in all of their commercial endeavors. The organization that was selected has a structure that is hierarchical in nature and follows the norm. The Board of Directors is at the very top of the business, followed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is in charge of watching over the entire company or organization. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is assisted by the other members of the executive team, who include the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) (CHRO). The various sections of the company, such as Sales and Marketing, Operations, Technology, Human Resources, and Finance, are supervised by the executive team.


Culture: The organization that was selected has a culture that emphasizes teamwork, creativity, and putting the needs of the customer first. They make it a priority to foster an environment in which employees are given the authority to collaborate with clients on the development of creative solutions. Employees are encouraged to think creatively and take risks while still sticking to the key principles of the organization, which is fostered in an environment that is characterized by trust, respect, and open communication, which is fostered by them. The chosen organization seems to have a high degree of congruence between its goal, vision, values, and structure, which is why it was selected. Their goal, vision, and values have all been articulated in detail, and they are in harmony not only with one another but also with the structure and culture of the business. Their organizational structure is set up in a hierarchical fashion, which makes it possible for the executive team to have a crystal clear grasp of their duties, responsibilities, and the resources to which they have access. The principles, mission, and vision of the firm are reflected in its culture, which prioritizes collaboration, innovation, and the satisfaction of customers. Because of this, the company can establish a culture in which its employees are given the authority to collaborate on the development of creative solutions for the company’s clients. In addition, the company has made investments in its employees’ professional development, which results in a better sense of job satisfaction and loyalty on the part of the employees.


The organization, as a whole, is doing an excellent job of connecting its mission, vision, values, and structure. Yet, there is always space for development, and the firm should continue to place a primary emphasis on growing its workforce as well as cultivating an atmosphere that values trust and encourages open communication. In addition to this, they should continue to make use of technology to raise their level of productivity and cultivate long-term relationships with their clients and business associates.



Access the Reference & Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence for citation assistance.

American Management Association is the cited organization here (n.d.). Structure of the Organization Based on Hierarchy Taken from “hierarchical organizational structure.aspx” at https://www.amanet.org/hr.

CultureIQ. (n.d). (n.d.). What exactly does “organizational alignment” refer to? Obtainable by following the link: https://www.cultureiq.com/organizational-alignment/

Stein, A. (2019). The Complete Guide to Employee Development: How to Design and Implement an Effective Training and Development Program This information was collected from the website https://www.betterteam.com/employee-development-program.

The Art of Balancing a Career (2020). What exactly is meant by the term “organizational structure”? Taken from https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-an-organizational-structure-1918581

Zenger, J. (2020). How to Develop an Organizational Culture That Promotes Creative Thinking and Risk-Taking Taken from “how to establish an organizational culture that supports innovation,” which can be found at https://hbr.org/2020/02/.




I misread the instructions and was supposed to write it about a company from the selection.  Could I get some help in rewriting this by doing the company Starbucks Corporation?


Thank you