SuperIron95388 Required Text: Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, Manning,…Required Text: Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, Manning, Ahearne and Reece ISBN 9780134477404Strength Based Selling: Rutigliano and Brim. ISBN 9781595620484Selling Today, 13e (Manning/Ahearne/Reece)Chapter 2   Evolution of Selling Models That Compliment the Marketing ConceptImage transcription text1) Customer relationship management (CRM) software aidssalespeople in creating and maintaining relationships withcustomers. 2) A company that ignores the marketing c… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text6) When measured by either the number of people employed orexpenses as a percentage of sales, personal selling is often themajor promotional method used by American business… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text12) The presentation strategy includes a reminder thatoutstanding service should be the overriding theme of every salespresentation. 13) A major reason for the demise of the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2.2 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) In consultative selling, thecustomer is seen as: 1. A) a person to be served 2. B) a prospect tobe sold 3. C) a point on the funnel 4. D) progress towar… Show more… Show more Image transcription text3) Sales departments and marketing departments often competefor: 1. A] the largest number of employees in the company 2. B)the biggest customers 3. C) ?nancial resources and bu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text5) The ultimate goal of the “marketing concept” is: 1.A) product diversification 2. B) customer satisfaction 3. C) brandloyalty 4. D) rising profit margins 5. E) efficiency of pro… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text7) When UPS was first established, founder Jim Casey describedthe firm’s focus as follows: 1. A) to become a leader ininternational shipping 2. B) to become the world’s mos… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text9) The promotion element of a marketing program can besubdivided into the areas of: 1. A) sales, promotion, andadvertising 2. B) market research, personnel, and prod… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text11) A well-thought-out plan for establishing, building, andmaintaining quality relationships is a: 1. A) relationship strategy 2.B) customer strategy 3. C) product strategy 4. D) prese… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13] One broad strategic area of the Strategic! Consultative SellingModel is: 1. A] marketing strategy 2. B) research strategy 3. C)customer strategy 4. D) service strategy 5. E) budget s… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text15) The four broad strategic areas of the Strategic/ ConsultativeSelling Model are: 1. A) connected to each other 2. B) in con?ictwith each other 3. C] independent of each other 4. D) … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text1?) The customer strategy always takes into consideration: 1. A)maintaining a close partnership 2. B) what the customer needs 3.C) the pro?t margins of the product 4. D) the relations… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text19) The evolution of strategic selling can most likely;r be tracedto: 1. A) a need to use fewer salespeople to sell more products 2.B) the growing demand for less expensive products 3. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text20) Customer loyalty depends on quality products and: 1. A}quality relationships 2. B) low prices 3. C) free shipping 4. D)custom installation 5. E) little contact 21) The highest f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text22) A partnership is bene?cial for both parties because thesuccessive sales are: 1. A) equal to the initial sales 2. B) greaterthan the initial or repeat sales 3. C) not necessarily gua… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text24) Achieving a marketplace advantage by teaming up withanother company whose products or services fit well with yourown is referred to as a: 1. A) marketing strategy 2. B) c… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text26) Maintaining high ethical standards: 1. A) can strengthen yourrelationship with a customer 2. B) should be secondary to closinga sale 3. C) is rare in the world of sales 4. D) will lead to… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text28) The process of building and maintaining strong customerrelationships by providing customer value is called: 1. A]marketing concept 2. B) value-added selling 3. C) cust… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text29) The effective exchange of information is the foundation ofmost economic transactions. This is known as: 1. A) exchangetheory 2. B) personal selling 3. C) the value-added eco… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2.3 Short Answer Questions 1) selling can be defined as a series ofcreative improvements within the sales process that enhance thecustomer experience. 2) Peter Drucker stated that &q… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text5) A(n) is a carefully conceived plan that will result in maximumresponsiveness to customers…. Show moreImage transcription text2.4 Essay Questions 1) List the four parts of the marketing mix. 2)List and describe the five strategic steps of the StrategicConsultative/ Selling Model…. Show moreImage transcription text2.5 Applied Multiple Choice Questions Jenny Johansson sellscustomized buses like the ones bands use while on road tours. Hercompany has recentlyr assigned her to a new territory … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2) During a presentation, when communicating the valueproposition to the customer, Jenny;r should most likely focus on:1. A} the features that make the bus special 2. B) how … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text3) Which of the following would be an example of partnering? 1.A} selling a customized bus to the CEO of the bus manufacturer 2.B) renting customized buses to corporate customers t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4) At a party, Jenny talks to a flight attendant who mentions thepassenger she had in first class who needed a second seat for hisoxygen and other medical equipment. Jenny realizes t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text5) While making a sales presentation to the head of a localcompany, Jenny discovers that the head is routinely stopped anddelayed at airport security because of a joint replacem… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA company has developed a calendarimessagingfpaperworkcenter that helps working mothers organize their families’schedules and paperwork. All the mothers who have tr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textT) As part of the marketing mix, the makers of the calendar will berunning an advertising campaign directed at working mothers.Another part of the marketing mix is sending salespeo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text8) Because this product looks similar to other products and onlydifferentiates itself when a customer uses it, customers might bemore in?uenced to buy it because of: 1. A} advertising … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text9) Company management is having a dif?cult time decidingwhether to allot more money to a marketing campaign involvingad buys and promotional events, or to a staff of sales r… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text10) How can a salesperson add value to the transaction for a retailoutlet buying the organizers to resell to customers? 1. A} by givingthe outlet the same price rival calendars charge 2. B) b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textture.oormcoursesf9’l 935Iassignmentsf2556052 XFormation is acompany that develops and delivers custom trainings forproducts, procedures, and change at companies. XFor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text12) Which of the following is an example of a relationship strategysalespeople for XFormation could use? 1. A] Use mirroring andother subtle methods to create rapport and a good rel… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13) Which of the following is the main goal for XFormationsalespeople in terms of product strategy? 1. A] Create productsthat customers really want to buy instead of products … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text14) Which of the following is the customer strategy;r thatXFormation salespeople should use? 1. A) Understand all thetraining products they sell and how to customize a pac… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text15) As a presentation strategy. which of the following makes themost sense for XFormation sales representatives to follow? 1. A}Understand all the training products they sell and how… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other