3.1.3. PROCESS FOR RECEIPT OF GOODS The Raw Material Supplier,…


The Raw Material Supplier, Gerald Bean Co., will send their shipment on the first of each week by no later than 6am. Before arrival Gerald Bean Co. will conduct a series of quality checks to ensure that all packaging is undamaged and that the correct shipment quantity will be shipped. Gerald Bean Co., will drive the shipment from their distribution center to CBR’s processing facility. If the driver is faced with any traffic delays or route closures then they will make alternate arrangements to ensure that the product shipment arrives on time through other routes. Once the driver arrives, the transport truck will be backed up to align with CBR’s loading bay. The driver must exit the vehicle and enter through the side door entrance in Shipping Department (SD). The driver will wait by this door until a member of CBR unlocks the door and greets them. The Driver will provide the member of SD with a shipping manifest that the CBR employee will quickly review and then must take a carbon copy to the SD Manager. Once the shipping manifest has been handed to the SD Manager the SD employee will return to the Driver to open the transport truck and begin the order review process. The SD Manager will separately review the shipping manifest and enter this data into CBR’s ERP system. Upon entering the data into CBR’s ERP system the system will automatically cross-reference the manifest data against the placed order to ensure that these values match. If these values do not match, then the SD Manager can use the ERP system to send an automated alert to Gerald Bean Co to alert them of the discrepancy. Upon receiving the order, SD must first verify the contents of the shipment. However, suppose any units are missing from the shipment. In that case, the SD Manager will immediately contact the Raw Materials Supplier by phone and submit a formal request for a replacement for the missing units. If the Raw Materials Supplier can send a replacement, one will be immediately dispatched (for which SD will need to verify the new shipment contents). The current incomplete shipment will remain in the receiving area until the replacement units arrive.

If the supplier is out-of-stock or unable to replace the missing units immediately, they are contractually obligated to issue a refund for any missing units. Once these activities have concluded, SD will sign for the order officially accepting ownership of the product units. The SD will retrieve the pump truck and transfer each skid of units, one at a time, to the stockroom. Once all units have been moved to the stockroom, the pump truck is immediately returned to its designated bay in shipping, and SD then proceeds to update the stock inventory system. Updating inventory serves a critical role, and the steps involved are repeatedly executed throughout the product preparation process. 
1) A physical inventory logbook is updated by
hand recording the following information
• Current Date
• SKU number
• Shipment Batch
• Material(s) Supplier
• Best Before Date
2) This data shall be digitally added to the
existing Inventory Database
• Current Date
• SKU number
• Shipment Batch
• Material(s) Supplier
• Best Before Date
3) A verification must be performed comparing the inventory logbook entry to the digital
Database entry
• If the data matches, the SD will sign-off in the inventory logbook identifying that the
information was stored correctly and this part of the process is now completed
• However, if there is a data mismatch, the SD will be required to fix the offending data
o If the data cannot be corrected or the error is unknown, then the issue will be noted in
the (physical) inventory logbook, and another member of SD will execute a pre-defined process
that falls outside the purview of the scope of our work to, investigate the product discrepancy
• A Processing Tracking Ledger sheet is printed off 

Referring to section 3.1.3. in your course’s case narrative, you will: 

Construct a USE Case.
While there are no specific best practices used to measure your submission, legibility and clarity of your diagram are components of formatting
Compile relevant parsed information into the Cockburn USE CASE template
Do not complete the ‘RELATED INFORMATION’ section (page 2)
The EXTENSIONS section must list out all INCLUDES and EXTENDS

Cockburn’s Use Case Template



< the name is the goal as a short active verb phrase>

Goal in Context

Scope & Level


Success End Condition

Failed End Condition


Secondary Actors
















Branching Action










Channels to actors


Due Date

…any other management information…

< needed>

