23) The personal auto policy is considered to be the most…

23) The personal auto policy is considered to be the most complicated insurance contract because

 A) the legal wording does not follow the recent trend of simpler insurance contract language.

 B) of all the possible parties who can be considered insured under the policy. 

C) loss to property, injury and liability are all covered under a single contract.

 D) all package policies tend to be comprehensive. 


24) An auto policy providesforsplit limits of50/100/50. The insured is liable for the following injuries: Victim A suffered $ 30,000 of personal injury, Victim B suffered $25,000 of personal injury and Victim C’s claims totaled $60,000. The insured will be personally liable for which of the following amounts?

 A) $ 5,000 

B) $ 10,000 

C) $ 15,000 

D) $ 0


 25) Auto policy coverage applies to which of the following automobiles?

 I) An owned auto II) A nonowned auto III) A borrowed auto 

A) I only

 B) I and II only 

C) I, II and III 

D) Neither I, II nor III


 26) All of the following are exclusions to the Personal Auto Policy, except: 

A) A maid working in the home of the insured who is not covered under state workers compensation laws.

 B) An automobile used by the owner to take people to the airport in exchange for a fee.

 C) If the auto is used to maliciously injure another party. 

D) an auto used exclusively for business purposes. 


27) Medical Payments coverage of the Personal Auto Policy extends to

 A) any party other than the insured. 

B) any party other than the insured and family members. 

C) to the insured and family members 

D) any party who was not “occupying” an auto at the time of injury.


 28) Which of the following conditions or situations is an exclusion to uninsured motorist coverage

: A) the insured is covered by his own policy when an uninsured driver causes him injury.

 B) a family member of the insured is covered by the policy of the insured when an uninsured driver causes him injury.

 C) the injured insured arranges a settlement with the uninsured and negligent party without receiving the insurance company’s permission to do so. 

D) the insured is injured by a hit and run vehicle. 


29) When an insured is covered to some extent by their own policy, but injury was the fault of another driver who carried auto insurance, the likely reason for the payment is due to which of the following? 

A) Uninsured Motorist Coverage

 B) Underinsured Motorist coverage 

C) Comprehensive Coverage 

D) Physical Damage Coverage

 30) Other Than Collision Coverage is provided for all of the following, except: 

A) damage done by a hit and run vehicle

 B) damage done by earthquake

 C) damage done by flood 

D) damage done due contact with a deer 


31) Dwelling coverage is available in some amount for all of the following homeowner forms, except: 

A) H0-2

 B) H0-3 

C) H0-4 

D) H0-6