Ntomz 2. The essay must be a minimum of 500 (five hundred) words and…2. The essay must be a minimum of 500 (five hundred) words and should not exceed 650 (six hundred and fifty) words.• Introduction: Tells the reader what the essay is about. • Body / Main Content: Is based on research and relates to the essay question or topic that has been set. • Conclusion: Is a summary of what has been covered in the essay, it may also include suggestions / recommendations. • Reference list: (not included in the word count): the Harvard Referencing Method must be adhered to with regards to in-text citations and the reference list. Harris, C.A. 1917. How to write music: musical orthography, edited by M. Randall. New York, NY: H. W. Grey. http://gutenbert.org/files/37281/37281-h/37281-h.htm. Date of access: 31 August 2017. Academic Journal article with one author: Allan, J. 2017. Nurturing supportive learning environment in higher education through the teaching of study skills: to embed or not to embed? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(2):64-76. Academic Journal with 2 or more authors: Glatt, M.M., Grindstone, C.H & Hult, C.J. 2019. The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1):73-82. Webpage, no author: (Use first few words of the page title) Improve indigenous housing now, government told. 2007. Available from: . Date of Access, 8 February 2016. Website: Australian Securities Exchange. 2019. Market Information. Available from: Accessed on 5 July 2019. Web based image / table / figure: The Lunar Interior. 2000. Available from: http://www.planetscapes.com/solar/browse/moon/moonint.jpg 2 Accessed on 8 November 2016. Blog: Newton, A. 2007. Newcastle toolkit. 16 January 2007. Angela Newton: Blog. Available from: Accessed on 23 February 2014. Facebook and Twitter The author should be identifiable • The source should be published by a credible publisher (In an Academic Textbook or Academic Journal) • A list of references should be provided Wikipedia is not a credible academic source. There is no author identifiable and editing an article on this site is very easy. Also, blog posts often provide valuable information You are part of the marketing team at an IT organisation. The marketing manager has tasked you with training new recruits in consumer trends. Research on what drives consumer behaviour and present your findings in the form of an academic research essay. In your research essay, be sure to provide the following: • Introduction • Importance of analysing consumer behaviour • Factors that influence consumer behaviour • Conclusion • References Compulsory source to peruse: Stávková, J., Stejskal, L. and Toufarová, Z. 2008. Factors influencing consumer behaviour. Agricultural Economic, 54(6), pp. 276-284. Retrieved from: https://www.agriculturejournals.cz/pdfs/age/2008/06/04.pdf. [Accessed 31 October 2022]. The following Learning Outcomes are assessed in this assessment: • Describe consumer behaviour and discuss the determinants of consumer behaviour. BusinessBusiness – Other