#2 Respond to colleagues’ posting in one or more of the following…

#2 Respond to colleagues’ posting in one or more of the following ways:

Address the content of each colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic and of the integration of the relevant resources.
Extend or constructively challenge your colleagues’ work.

Please note that for each response you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.




Describe the similarities and differences of reliability and validity within the context of quantitative business research.

According to Bougie and Sekaran (2019), reliability and validity are crucial concepts used in enhancing the accuracy and precision of a business research project.  Reliability and validity are the fundamental concepts used to assess the quality of the research (Ishtiaq & Ishtiaq, 2021). Validity indicates the extent to which the observations are accurately recorded (Bougie & Sekaran, 2019). Reliability refers to the consistency of the observation, and usually when two or more observers, or the same observer on separate occasions are observing the same event and attain the same results (Bougie & Sekaran, 2019).

Validity and reliability are different terms in meaning but are similar and closely related to each other (Ishtiaq & Ishtiaq, 2021). Reliability differences are that it relates to the extent to which the results can be reproduced when the research is repeated under the same conditions, whereas validity is the extent to which the results really measure what they are supposed to measure (Ishtiaq & Ishtiaq, 2021). 

Identify the instrument utilized in your chosen article, including relevant details such as requirements or tools.

I identified my chosen article as “Human Resource Development Climate in India: Examining the Psychometric Properties of HRD Climate Survey Instrument as it reflects the HRD climate as an organizational climate that reflects the perception that employees have of the development environment of the organization (Chaudhary, Rangnekar, & Barua. 2013). The instrument measures HRD climate under the dimensions of general climate, OCTAPAC culture, and HRD mechanisms (Chaudhary, Rangnekar, & Barua. 2013).

Discuss the concepts of the instrument’s measurements and their psychometric properties.

According to Chaudhary et al. (2013), it was important to examine the psychometric properties of the study. The study examined and established the validity and dimensionality of scores on the HRD climate survey instrument.

Explain why or why you would not use this instrument in your own DBA Doctoral Study, providing support based upon your assessment of its psychometric properties.

I would not use this instrument in my DBA doctoral study, as the study carries certain limitations which would need to be addressed according to Chaudhary et al. (2013). First, the data are based on self-reports, and the method variance could be a problem. Secondly, the dimensionality of the HRD climate scale has changed since this study was done, and it was performed in India and the results could be very different in the US.



Bougie, R. & Sekaran, U. (2019). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Chaudhary, R., Rangnekar, S., & Barua, M. (2013). Human resource development climate in India: Examining the psychometric properties of HRD climate survey instrument. Vision (09722629), 17(1), 41-52.

Ishtiaq Ahmed, & Sundas Ishtiaq. (2021). Reliability and validity: Importance in medical research. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 71(10).