2. Respond to colleagues’ posting in one or more of the following…

2. Respond to colleagues’ posting in one or more of the following ways:

Address a colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic(s).
Expand or remark upon a colleague’s integration of relevant resources.

Please note that for each response you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.



Compare and contrast case study and phenomenological research designs, including commitments of time and cost for each design.

When comparing and contrasting case study and phenomenological research designs, it is important to identify the case and establish the logic for the case study (Yin, 2018). It is equally important to understand, once the case is identified, that the overall cost and time for both can fluctuate based on the direction, scope, and overall complex concepts of the research. Case study research can be more time intensive and costly primarily because of the amount of potential data sources being used. Phenomenological research may not require as much time or cost. However, phenomenological research would still need to have an in-depth approach and rigorous collection of data as well as a detailed analysis.

Explain the benefits of using a case study for DBA doctoral research, including an example from scholarly research that supports your assertion.

There are numerous benefits to using a case study for a DBA doctoral research. In a general understanding, a case study can provide an in-depth understanding of a real-life scenario. A case study can provide a level of understanding to a scenario with complex levels. This allows researchers to review and research the complexities and explore those complexities further. A case study can also provide support to the development of theories or assist in the refinement of current theories by identifying patterns and various factors. When considering the phenomenological approach, a case study can assist with the opportunity to “separate the event as an individual experienced it from any other ways of looking at that event” (Ungvarsky, 2020).  Case studies generally has advantages and disadvantages. “Case studies can provide compelling illustrations to support a theory and can inspire new therapeutic techniques or unique applications of existing techniques” (Range, 2023).

An example of the benefits of using a case study in support of a DBA doctoral research can be referenced to the study conducted by Eisenhardt and Graebner (2007). This study explored case studies and the effectiveness of using them to support, develop, or refine theories. The researchers acknowledged that case studies offer various benefits, such as the opportunity to explore the complexity of a problem, or situation, and yield opportunities for development of standing theories. The researchers closed with the notion that case studies can be a crucial and important tool for those building or refining theories.


Eidenhardt, K. M., & Graebner, M. E. (2007). Theory building from cases: Opportunities and challenges. Academy of Management Journal, 50(1), 25-32. to an external site.

Range, L. M. (2023). Case study methodologies. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health.

Ungvarsky, J. (2020). Phenomenology. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: design and methods (6th ed.). Sage.