1. Allison works at a company with a published code of ethics and a…

1. Allison works at a company with a published code of ethics and a commitment to a positive corporate culture that includes respect and kindness. Her manager, Jill, uses a lot of harsh and sometimes explicit language in front of her employees. Jill’s behavior makes Allison feel uncomfortable, but even worse, it seems to encourage other employees to act in a similar manner. Allison spoke to a few of these employees to let them know how their behavior was making her feel, and they in turn confided that they felt pressured by Jill to act that way. When it comes to modeling ethical behavior, Allison’s manager is demonstrating a(n) ________ commitment to organizational values.

A. individual

B. weak

C. conflicted

D. strong


2. Lana works at a large investment brokerage firm. Many employees, including Lana, have corporate credit cards for business travel and for entertaining clients. When employees travel, they must adhere to a per diem for each meal. When they entertain clients, the amount they can spend is more generous. Lately, Lana has been noticing that some of her coworkers use their corporate cards to buy expensive meals that exceed the per diem while traveling. They will claim that a customer was present in order to get the expense approved. Lana has suggested to the HR department that they  document that specifically states that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Lana is asking HR to  ________.

A. ethical dilemma

B. business ethic

C. universal ethical standard

D. code of ethics


3. Xin is a recent college graduate who is interning with a hedge fund. He is excited to be working in finance and is willing to work long hours to impress his coworkers in the hopes that they will hire him as a full-time employee. One of his colleagues asks Xin if he can make copies of a document. While he is making the copies, Xin notices that the document includes material nonpublic information from another company. He knows from his studies that it would be illegal to make investment decisions based on this information. Xin is not sure how to handle this situation, so he references the company handbook, which includes standards of conduct, also known as ___________.

A. business ethics

B. a code of ethics

C. a universal ethical standard

D. an ethical dilemma


4. Jennifer is a supply manager at a shipping company. She also runs a small business selling her artwork on the side. Sometimes Jennifer takes home offices supplies from her day job to use in her personal business: things like sticky notes, pens, shipping labels, and printer paper. She is always sure to order enough of these items for the company so that there are plenty available for her coworkers. Although she would never take money from the company, Jennifer does not believe she is doing anything wrong because “no one will miss those items.” Which of the following is Jennifer not applying in her behavior at work?

A. An ethical dilemma

B. A code of ethics

C. Business ethics

D. A universal ethical standard


5. Evan is the manager of a Walmart store in Idaho. On a recent Sunday—their busiest day of the week—the Walmart lost power for four hours. The relatively short power outage cost Evan’s store roughly $3 million in lost revenues and spoilage. The only way to recover financially in the short term would be to lay off half of the store’s employees. Evan knows that there are a number of college students who are high performers. He assumes these employees still live at home with their parents, but he can’t be sure. He also knows that there are some employees who live paycheck-to-paycheck and rely on their employment at Walmart to feed their families. Evan is torn between laying off employees based on their perceived financial need versus their performance. Which of the following represents Evan’s decision?

A. Business ethics

B. An ethical dilemma

C. A universal ethical standard

D. A code of ethics